Monday, July 15, 2024
Home Latest News & Activities of Iran Protest Leader Maryam Rajavi

Latest News & Activities of Iran Protest Leader Maryam Rajavi

United States Congress

US H.Res. 1148 Condemns Iranian Regime’s Terrorism, Supports Iranian Resistance and Regional Stability

In a significant bipartisan move, 223 representatives from both the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States House of Representatives have signed Resolution...

In Joint Letter to World Leaders, 80 Nobel Laureates Support Free and Democratic Iran

In an unprecedented show of unity, 80 Nobel Laureates have issued a joint letter to world leaders, including U.S. President Joe Biden, UN Secretary-General...
Free Iran 2023 rally Paris scaled (1)

Iran: 4000 Legislators from 50 Countries Endorse Maryam Rajavi’s 10-Point Plan

In an unprecedented show of solidarity, over 4000 legislators from 84 parliaments across 50 countries have issued a statement backing the Ten-Point Plan of...

Third Day of Free Iran 2024 World Summit: “Crimes Against Humanity and Accountability for...

On July 1, on the third day of the Free Iran 2024 World Summit, leaders, lawmakers, judges, legal experts, and human rights activists from...
free iran global summit 2023

Global Leaders Condemn Iranian Regime, Express Support for Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan

In an unprecedented show of unity, a group of prominent international leaders has issued an open letter condemning the Iranian regime's ongoing human rights...

Italian Senate Majority Backs Democratic Alternative for Regime Change in Iran and Middle East...

In a historic move, a majority of the Italian Senate, with 104 out of 200 senators, have joined the global campaign supporting Mrs. Maryam...

“The Regime Has Rarely Been This Unstable,” Mrs. Rajavi Tells German Paper

In a recent interview with Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, called on the West to...

Scottish Parliament Majority Supports Iran’s Democratic Alternative for Regime Change and Peace in the...

In a significant international endorsement, a majority of the members of the Scottish Parliament (68 out of 129 representatives) have joined a global campaign...
ireland senate building (1)

Majority of the Senate of Ireland Supports NCRI, Calls For Terrorist Designation of IRGC

In a landmark move, 32 out of 60 senators of the Republic of Ireland from the major parties of Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, and...
iran irgc commanders chanting

Canada Officially Lists Iranian Regime’s IRGC as a Terrorist Entity

Today, Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs, announced that the Government of Canada has designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)...