Majority of US Lawmakers Call of UN Arms Embargo on Iran to Be Extended

United States Congress
United States Congress

“Nearly 90% of U.S. House of Representatives members have signed a letter urging the Trump administration to increase its diplomatic action at the United Nations to renew an arms embargo on Iran, congressional sources said on Thursday.” Reuters reported on Thursday, adding:  

“In a rare show of bipartisanship, at least 382 of the 429 members of the Democratic-controlled House – Democrats and Republicans – have signed the letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urging him to work with U.S. allies and partners to extend the embargo, as well as U.N. travel restrictions on Iranians involved with arms proliferation,” 

“The U.N. arms embargo is set to expire in October, and we are concerned that the ban’s expiration will lead to more states buying and selling weapons to and from Iran,” said the letter, seen by Reuters and led by Representatives Eliot Engel, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Mike McCaul, the committee’s top Republican. 

“We urge you to work with allies and like-minded partners, including through a new United Nations Security Council resolution, to extend these provisions in order to prevent Iran from buying and selling weapons, while also working to increase accountability for violations of the existing embargo,” the letter said. 

Also, in a separate press release, Senator Ted Cruz (R. Tx) expressed his support for the United States administration’s move to renew the United Nations arms embargo on the Iranian regime. 

Senator Cruz’s letter is as follows:  

Sen. Cruz Applauds Trump Administration

for Reported Move to Reimpose United Nations Sanctions on Iran 

April 27, 2020 

HOUSTON, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today issued the following statement in response to media reports that the Trump administration is moving to invoke the snapback mechanism in United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231: 

“I applaud the Trump administration for advancing toward finally and irreversibly ending the catastrophic Obama-Iran nuclear deal. I have long called for invoking the snapback mechanism, and it is absolutely clear that the United States is permitted to do so as an original participant state, as the State Department long ago concluded and confirmed to me in December. It is well past time to do so, otherwise in a few short months the U.N. arms embargo will expire and allow China to start selling billions of dollars of weapons to the Ayatollah. Iran has consistently been in violation of nuclear restrictions before, during, and after the negotiation of the deal, and the Ayatollah is right now systematically advancing toward a nuclear weapon. It is well past time to reimpose international sanctions.” 

Sen. Cruz has led the fight against the deal since it was first negotiated. Since the U.S. withdrawal he has pushed for an end to oil waivers, an end to nuclear waivers, and for invoking the U.N. snapback mechanism to restore international sanctions on Iran. Specifically, Sen. Cruz: 

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