Thursday, July 18, 2024
Protests in Khuzestan province over water shortages - July 2021

Iran News in Brief – August 17, 2021

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 5:00 PM CEST Fourth Session of Hamid Nouri's Trial Dozens of exiled Iranians, former...
Activities by MEK Resistance Units in Iran - August 2021

Iran News in Brief – August 16, 2021

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 6:30 PM CEST A Pandemic Unleashed on the Population Terrified of determined Iranians to...
Iran's coronavirus outbreak has entered an unprecedented stage of contagion and death

Iran News in Brief – August 15, 2021

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 10:00 PM CEST Sunday Protests in Iran Iranians in various cities took to the...
Protests by medical interns in Hamedan - August 2021

Iran News in Brief – August 14, 2021

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 9:00 PM CEST Unrest in Eslamshahr, Great Tehran Today, locals in Eslamshahr, near the...
iran-mass-graves-corona (1)

Iran News in Brief – August 13, 2021

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 10:00 PM CEST Shocking Numbers of Covid-19 Deaths in Iran Hospitals in the majority...
Protest rally by Iranian Resistance supporters in Stockholm, Sweden—August 2021 (1)

Iran News in Brief – August 12, 2021

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 9:00 PM CEST The Pandemic is Getting Out of Control Covid-19 delta variant is...
Protests in Charmahal and Bakhtiary (1)

Iran News in Brief – August 11, 2021

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 9:00 PM CEST Justice Prevailed As the people of Juneghan remained steadfast against the...

Iran News in Brief – August 10, 2021

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 8:30 PM CEST Unrest in Juneqan, Southwestern Iran Following the arrest of Habib Fadaie,...
Activities by MEK Resistance Units in Iran - August 2021

Iran News in Brief – August 9, 2021

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 8:30 AM CEST Iran: The Staggering Coronavirus Death Toll Exceeds 352,600 The People’s Mojahedin Organization...

Iran News in Brief – August 8, 2021

THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS UPDATE: 9:00 PM CEST Sunday Protests in Iran Skyrocketing prices, unprecedented inflation, and decreasing living...