Latest News in Brief – June 30, 2020

Latest News in Brief – June 30, 2020
Iran, Lorestan province, Borujerd city: The situation in Borujerd and Khorramabad is dangerous.



Iran: Coronavirus Update, Over 63,200 Deaths, June 30, 2020, 6:00 PM

Over 63,200 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran-Iran Coronavirus Death Toll per PMOI MEK sources

NUMBER OF VICTIMS (AS OF June 30, 2020, 6:00 PM CEST):

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) announced this afternoon, June 30, 2020, that Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 63,200 in 341 cities across Iran. The death toll in various provinces include: Over 16400 in Tehran, 2325 in Lorestan, 1890 in East Azerbaijan, 1725 in West Azerbaijan, 1295 in Kurdistan, 625 in Hormozgan 420 in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, 325 in Kohgiluyehn and Boyer Ahmad. This is in addition to reports obtained from other provinces.



Struan Stevenson: Iranian Arrest Warrant for Us President Described as Risible

Struan Stevenson

The office of Mr. Struan Stevenson, the coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change and a former Member of the European Parliament, released a press release titled “Iranian arrest warrant for US President described as risible”.
“While President Trump is in no danger of arrest, Iran’s gangster foreign minister, Javad Zarif, who almost certainly ordered the Assadi bomb plot, may find himself and other criminal leaders of the regime, indicted for acts of terrorism and crimes against humanity, particularly the horrific massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, in one of the worst crimes against humanity of the late twentieth century. The mass execution of these political prisoners, most of whom were supporters of the main democratic opposition Mojahedin e-Khalq (PMOI-MEK) organisation, was ordered by the then Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and involved special death committees, whose active participants still hold many senior government positions to this day,” the statement reads in part.

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EDITORIAL: Iran’s Regime Disinformation About Iranian Resistance and MEK

MEK Supporters in Free Iran Grand Gathering Paris 2018

As the clerical regime in Iran is facing the most challenging crisis of its life and is fighting for its survival, in a desperate bid to tarnish the image of the democratic opposition, it is resorting to spreading of more disinformation about the main Iranian opposition movement People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI-MEK) and the coalition of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

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Iran: Issuing Harsh Sentences Confirms Regime Has Lost Control Over Society

Within the last two weeks, the Iranian regime has mounted oppressive measures. The mullahs’ Judiciary has upheld several death sentences for those arrested during the nationwide Iran protests in November 2019. But this increasing oppression confirms the Iranian society’s restiveness and that the regime has lost its control. Nevertheless, it does not undermine the necessity of the international community taking action to prevent bloodshed in Iran.  

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Another Shocking Aspect of Iran People’s Poverty: Living on Rooftops

Tehran, living on rooftops

After shocking social phenomena in Iran such as grave-sleepersunderground dwellers, slum-dwellers, and women living in holes and canals, there is now a new shocking issue: people living on rooftops. The Iranian regime’s ominous rule has brought nothing but poverty, destitution, destruction, and war for the Iranian people.  

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Struan Stevenson: The Truth is Out About Iran’s Economic Meltdown

Struan Stevenson: The Truth is Out About Iran’s Economic Meltdown

On June 29, Mr. Struan Stevenson, the coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change and a former Member of the European Parliament, wrote an article on the United Press International (UPI) website. 

In this article, Mr. Stevenson examines the dire economic situation of the Iranian regime and addresses the crises facing the regime. He touches on the crisis of widespread poverty of tens of millions of Iranians and the increase of the coronavirus outbreak in Iran and the crisis of devaluation of the national currency. But in this situation, the regime continues to waste the nation’s resources on expensive missile tests while the Iranian society is in an explosive condition.


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Why Iran’s regime tries—and fails—to demonize MEK members in Ashraf 3, Albania

Ashraf 3, home of MEK members in Albania

court in Hamburg ordered on June 25, the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) to immediately remove false allegations raised against the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). In its May 13 article “The Devil Should Be Living in Tirana” referred to Ashraf 3 is home to around 3,000 MEK members located near Tirana, the capital of Albania the FAZ mentioned allegations such as “torture” and a “ban on visiting relatives” imposed on MEK members. But the court ruling read: “Even if these claims were stated as alleged, it is not evident that its principles were adhered to.”

The lawsuit contested three false allegations published by FAZ and ordered to pay a fine of up to €250,000 to be determined by the court for each case of the offenses against MEK members in Albania and to bear the cost of these court hearings. If this amount cannot be secured, a detention order of up to a maximum of six months (for each item in place of the maximum fine of 250,000 Euros, for a total of a maximum of two years) will be issued.

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Forged Emails and Messages by Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Its Cyber-Terror Unit

Desperate and crisis-ridden regime grabs at straws in fear of the Resistance and uprising

  1. Coinciding with the Iranian Resistance’s International Conference that connected Ashraf 3 and tens of thousands of people in 2,000 other locations in various countries in real-time, the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) resorted to a fake message, entitled “Call for 2020 Grand Gathering for an uprising and a Free Iran” [mimicking the usual call for the annual gathering of the Iranian Resistance] to deceive and target supporters of the Iranian opposition with infected malware and waging psychological warfare.Fake Gmail account dated June 20, 2020
Fake Gmail account dated June 20, 2020

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Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 341 Cities Surges Past 62,600

Over 62,600 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran-Iran Coronavirus Death Toll per PMOI MEK sources

Crisis in Tehran and Mashhad

The Peoples’ Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) announced this afternoon, June 29, 2020, that the number of fatalities in 341 Iranian cities has surged past 62,600. Some 4,785 have died in Khuzestan, 3,790 in Khorasan Razavi, 3,180 in Gilan, 2,295 in Lorestan, 1,990 in Alborz, 1,415 in Hamedan, 780 in Kerman, 585 in Bushehr, 559 in Zanjan, 540 in Qazvin, and 175 in South Khorasan.

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Iran: Three Environmental Activists Killed While Extinguishing the Fire in Paveh Honored

Three environment activists lost their lives fighting a local forest fire in western Iran

On Sunday, June 28, three environmental activists, Mokhtar Khandani from Nosud, Yasin Karimi from Shamshir village, and Bilal Amini, a resident of Paveh, were killed while trying to contain the blaze in the mountains of Markhil of Paveh. Several others suffered burns.

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“We will take back Iran from the mullahs” : PMOIMEK Resistance Units

The Iranian Resistance Units, a network of activists of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) across Iran, have been organizing various activities that are louder calls for regime change. The Resistance Units bravely took to graffiti in public places with the slogans: “We will take back Iran from the mullahs,” “Rise up to overthrow the regime of the Supreme Leader,” “We will take back Iran,” and “A free Iran with Maryam Rajavi.”
They wrote:
Tehran— “Rise up. With national solidarity and spread of the uprising, we can bring the day of freedom closer”
Tehran— “We will take back Iran”
Tehran— “The youth of the country, join the Resistance Units”
Tehran— “The suppressive institutions must be destroyed” / “Down with Khamenei, Viva freedom”
Tehran— “We will take back Iran from the mullahs” / “Down with Khamenei, Viva Rajavi” / “The uprising continues, the only answer for the mullahs is fire”
Tehran— “Down with Khamenei and Rouhani, Viva freedom”
Dezful— “Rise up to overthrow the regime of the Supreme Leader”
Behbahan— “A free Iran with Maryam Rajavi”
Hamadan— “The message is clear, the end of the regime of the Supreme Leader is near”
Hamadan— “Rise up to overthrow the regime of the Supreme Leader”




A Message to the World Community

The overthrow of the clerical regime remains to be the unyielding demand of the Iranian people, and the uprisings in November 2019 and January 2020 represented the people’s burning commitment to implement it.
With their protests and strikes, and the activities and operations of Resistance Units, every day, the Iranian people move closer to overthrowing the regime.
It is for the realization of this goal that political prisoners continue to persevere in prisons across Iran and stand up to Khamenei’s henchmen.
It is up to the international community to hear this message:
The Iranian regime should not be allowed to obtain even a single bullet.
It should not pocket even a single dollar in oil revenues.
It should not spend even a single dollar out of revenues that belong to the Iranian people.
The Iranian Resistance seeks the restoration of the six UN Security Council resolutions against the regime.
We emphasize the extension of international sanctions against any form of weapons trade with the regime.
The global community must recognize the right of rebellious youth, Resistance Units and the Iranian people to resist against the religious tyranny.
The leaders of this regime must face justice in international courts for the killing of 120,000 children of the Iranian people, including the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, and the killing of over 1,500 Iranian protesters in November 2019.


Iran news in brief, June 30, 2020

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 341 Cities Exceeds 62,600
People Gather in Memory of Three Environment Activists



Tuesday, June 30, 2020, marks the 228th day since the beginning of the nationwide Iran protests.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has identified 755 of the more than 1500 protesters killed by the regime so far.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has called on the United Nations to urgently send an international fact-finding mission to Iranian prisons to meet with the detainees.


Number of uprising cities: 191

Number of martyrs: At least 1500

Number of injured: More than 4,000

Number of detainees: More than 12,000

Read moreLatest News in Brief- June 29, 2020

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