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Latest News in Brief – July 4, 2020

Latest News in Brief – July 4, 2020
West Azarbaijan province, Urmia city: Deputy Governor of West Azerbaijan: Until the beginning of June, the death toll was less than six people a day, but yesterday the death toll in the Province passed 19. Danger is lurking for everyone.



Iran: Coronavirus Update, Over 65,200 Deaths, July 4, 2020, 6:00 PM


NUMBER OF VICTIMS (AS OF July 4, 2020, 6:00 PM CEST):

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) announced this afternoon, July 4, 2020, that Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 65,200 in 342 cities across Iran. The death toll in various provinces include: 16650 in Tehran, 4230 in Khorasan Razavi, 2415 in Lorestan, 1915 in East Azerbaijan, 1825 in West Azerbaijan, 1460 in Hamedan, 645 in Bushehr. This is in addition to reports obtained from other provinces.




Free Iran Global Summit on July 17: Iranian Regime’s Fear of Overthrow by the People and the MEK Resistance Units

Free Iran Global Summit on July 17: Iranian Regime's Fear of Overthrow by the People and the MEK Resistance Units
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

In the current situation, the religious dictatorship in Iran fears the great uprising of November 2019 and the nightmare scenario of an escalation of the next uprising. The defiant youth and the Resistance Units have also terrified the mullahs’ regime with their continuous campaigns.  

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Iran’s economic bankruptcy will have political implications

Iran’s economic bankruptcy will have political implications

The value of the rial has further fallen and the official exchange rate in Tehran’s stock market has surpassed 200,000 rials per dollar. The price of every gold coin has reached 90,000,000 rials.

On June 19, the exchange rate was about 180,800 rials per dollar, but in less than two weeks, it has increased by more than 20 percent.

The value of the country’s currency and the purchasing power of the middle class and the underprivileged has declined by 20 percent in just two weeks. People have become 20 percent poorer in just two weeks.

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Locals protest against the sale of Qeshm’s coast

On July 3, locals gathered in Qeshm’s coast to declare their protest against the government-linked companies, which planned to line their pockets with selling coasts. Many fishers make ends meet through coasts.



Nurses Protest Across Iran Against Mistreatment by the Regime amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Nurses Protest Across Iran Against Mistreatment by the Regime amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Nurses in Mashhad and Gilan province staged protests gathering against extreme pressures, terrible living conditions, and overdue wages

Iran is perhaps the only country in the world where, during the COVID-19 pandemic, medical professionals, who are on the frontline of the fight against the virus, are mistreated by the regime. The regime delays in paying Iranian nurses paychecks and has not improved their working conditions. Reports from Iran indicate there have been various protests by the nurses across Iran against the regime’s mistreatments. Yet instead of answering their demands, the regime’s security forces resort to cruelty and suppression. 

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Haft Tappeh workers protests – July 4, 2020- Shush, Khuzestan province, southwestern Iran:

Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Co. workers gathered today on the 20th day of their strike to demand their unpaid wages, the return of workers fired for protesting, and an end to the company’s privatization.



Massoumeh Malek Mohammadi: Awesome resistance against a cruel enemy

Massoumeh Malek Mohammadi

“Our salutes to the blood-drenched generation of June 20, who did not relent in their struggle against the mullahs’ regime, passing from one battlefield to the other, from one torture chamber to the next,” said Massoumeh Malek Mohammadi during her speech to the international virtual conference at Ashraf 3 marking the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the Iranian Resistance.

“They passed through the “residential unit“, “the grave”, “the coffin” and “the cage.” They passed through the death corridors and the hanging halls of the 1988 massacre, and the 14-year blockade and house-arrest in Ashraf and Liberty (in Iraq), but did not budge an iota on their ideals. And today, they are the focal point of hope for freedom of the people of Iran,” she added.



Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 342 Cities Exceeds 64,800


· Deputy Governor of West Azerbaijan: Until the beginning of June, the death toll was less than six people a day, but yesterday the death toll in the Province passed 19. Danger is lurking for everyone

· Deputy Health Minister: There are no stable epidemic conditions in any of the provinces … We will face more severe crises in the cold season

· Loghman Hospital in Tehran: We are facing a new outbreak of the disease. We do our best. But the results are not so great, and we are witnessing loss of lives.

· Mrs. Maryam Rajavi hailed the protesting nurses who were attacked with batons and Tasers in Mashhad, as well as the general practitioners, nurses and all medical staff who are striving their best to save the lives of patients. She added: By plundering and squandering the public wealth and resources on nuclear and missile projects, along with terrorism and warmongering, the clerical regime has destroyed the country’s infrastructure. Despite the most skilled and selfless doctors and nurses, it has left our people defenseless in the face of the disease. The only way to end this situation is to overthrow the clerical regime and establish democracy and popular sovereignty.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Friday, July 3, 2020, that the Coronavirus death toll in 342 cities in Iran is more than 64,800. The number of victims in Khuzestan is 4,950, Khorasan Razavi 4,170, Gilan 3,205, Lorestan 2,385, Sistan and Baluchestan 2,080, Alborz 2,030, West Azerbaijan 1,795, Kermanshah 1,655, Fars 1,380, Kurdistan 1,320, Yazd 820, North Khorasan 810, Central Province 660, Zanjan 580, and South Khorasan 190.

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Terrorist who tried to bomb MEK Free Iran rally in prison for third year

Assadollah Assadi, a Vienna-based Iranian diplomat, was arrested on July 1, 2018, by German police for a bomb plot against an annual rally of the NCR) in 2018 in Paris.

“Assadi’s incarceration entered its third year,” lamented Iran’s state-run Keyhan newspaper on Wednesday, referring to the regime’s terrorist diplomat Assadollah Assadi, who was arrested in Germany on June 30, 2018, when caught in the middle of a bombing plot against the annual Free Iran rally of the supporters of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

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“Maryam Rajavi is a symbol of national solidarity of the Iranian people” : MEK Resistance Units

The Iranian Resistance Units, a network of activists of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) across Iran, have been organizing various activities that are louder calls for regime change. They celebrated the anniversary of July 3, 2003.
On June 17, 2003, the Iranian Resistance in France faced a dirty conspiracy and deal between the religious fascism ruling Iran and the French government.
During this conspiracy, French police brutally attacked the headquarters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Auvers-sur-Oise, France and also the homes of members of the Iranian Resistance in Parisian suburbs and arrested the Resistance’s President-elect and hundreds of members and officials of the Iranian Resistance. During this infamous conspiracy, the headquarters of the NCRI in Auvers-sur-Oise was ransacked by French Police and lots of properties were damaged.
Ultimately, the French judiciary, preferring justice over politics, ordered the release of Mrs. Rajavi after 17 days of imprisonment.
The Resistance Units bravely took to graffiti in public places with the slogans: “July 3 is one of the most glorious moments in the history of the resistance of the Iranian people,” “If resisting against the mullahs is a crime, we are proud of it,” “Maryam Rajavi is a symbol of national solidarity of the Iranian people,” “Democracy and freedom with Maryam Rajavi” and “Dear Maryam, you are the hope of the young generation, you will rescue Iran” / “Down with Khamenei, Viva Rajavi”
They wrote:
Tehran— “July 3 is a reminder of big victory over conspiracy and appeasement”
Tehran— “If resisting against the mullahs is a crime, we are proud of it”
Tehran— “Maryam Rajavi is a symbol of national solidarity of the Iranian people”
Tehran— “If resisting against the mullahs is a crime, we are proud of it”
Tehran— “July 3 is a reminder of big victory over conspiracy and appeasement”
Tehran— “July 3 was the yearning of the Iranian people for freedom”
Tehran— “If resisting against the mullahs is a crime, we are proud of it”
Tehran— “Democracy and freedom with Maryam Rajavi”
Amol— “The day we chose this path, we accepted all the dangers”
Tehran— “If resisting against the mullahs is a crime, we are proud of it”
Qazvin— “Dear Maryam, you are the hope of the young generation, you will rescue Iran” / “Down with Khamenei, Viva Rajavi”
Shiraz— “Maryam Rajavi, we are waiting for you”
Ahvaz— “Dear Maryam, Iran is waiting for you” / “Down with Khamenei, viva Rajavi, hail to freedom”
Tehran— “Congratulations for July 3”
Tehran— “July 3 is one of the most glorious moments in the history of the resistance of the Iranian people”
Tehran— “July 3 is one of the most glorious moments in the history of the resistance of the Iranian people”
Tehran— “July 3 is one of the most glorious moments in the history of the resistance of the Iranian people”
Tehran— “July 3 is one of the most glorious moments in the history of the resistance of the Iranian people”



Maryam Rajavi: Corruption is widespread. The Iranian people realize that the suffering and poverty they face is because the mullahs have plundered our nation’s wealth

The criminal mullahs have no way out of the crisis of overthrow.



Iran news in brief, July 4, 2020

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 342 Cities Exceeds 64,800
Political Prisoner Denied Furlough Despite Coronavirus Threat



Saturday, July 4, 2020, marks the 231st day since the beginning of the nationwide Iran protests.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has identified 755 of the more than 1500 protesters killed by the regime so far.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has called on the United Nations to urgently send an international fact-finding mission to Iranian prisons to meet with the detainees.


Number of uprising cities: 191

Number of martyrs: At least 1500

Number of injured: More than 4,000

Number of detainees: More than 12,000

Read moreLatest News in Brief- July 3, 2020