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Latest News in Brief – July 28, 2020

Latest News in Brief – July 28, 2020
Iran, Kerman – Kerman University of Medical Sciences: Currently, ICU beds in the Province are full, and all hospitals in the Province are involved with Coronavirus patients.



Iran: Coronavirus Update, Over 78,100 Deaths, July 28, 2020, 6:00 PM


The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI-MEK) announced this afternoon, July 28, 2020, that Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 78,100 in 347 cities across Iran. The death toll in various provinces include: 5620 in Khuzestan, 3605 in Mazandaran, 3390 in Gilan, 3075 in Lorestan, 2087 in Golestan, 2025 in Hamadan, 1990 in Fars, 1920 in Kermanshah, 985 in Semnan, 970 in Hormozgan, 845 in Ardebil, and 625 in Qazvin. This is in addition to reports obtained from other provinces.




Remarks of Maryam Rajavi to the “Three-Day Plenary Session

of the National Council of Resistance of Iran”



Why Iran Regime’s President Rouhani Ordered Ashura Ceremonies to Be Held Amid Rising COVID-19 Death Toll?

Why Iran Regime’s President Rouhani Ordered Ashura Ceremonies to Be Held Amid Rising COVID-19 Death Toll?
Iran Regime’s President Rouhani Ordered Ashura Ceremonies to Be Held Amid Rising COVID-19 Death Toll

Information tallied by the Iranian Resistance movement indicates nearly 80,000 people have lost their lives to the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran. Parallel with downplaying the pandemic, and forcing people back to work, the regime’s president Hassan Rouhani now speaks of holding the religious Ashura” ceremonies amid the pandemic.  

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Italian Confederation of Workers’ Trade Unions (CISL) Announces its Solidarity With Iran’s Workers in a Statement

Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions (CISL) Announces its Solidarity With Iran’s Workers in a Statement
Italian Confederation of Workers’ Trade Unions (CISL) Announces its Solidarity With Iran’s Workers in a Statement

The First Secretary of the Italian Confederation of Workers’ Trade Unions (CISL) in the province of Marche, Italy, which oversees the union’s 28 branches, issued a statement, strongly condemning the gross violations of workers’ legal rights during the coronavirus outbreak in Iran 

The Italian Confederation of Workers’ Trade Unions (CISL) is one of the largest trade unions in Italy.  The union called on labor and human rights organizations to put pressure on the Iranian regime and force the regime and its leaders to respect the legal rights of the Iranian workers. 

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July 26, 2020 “Khamenei’s end is near”MEK Resistance Units

The Iranian Resistance Units, a network of activists of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) across Iran, have been organizing various activities that are louder calls for regime change. The Resistance Units bravely took to graffiti in public places with the slogans: “Khamenei’s end is near,” “The mullahs must go” “Our vote is for the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime, down with Khamenei,” “We will overthrow this regime and take back Iran” and “Hail to Massoud Rajavi and the National Liberation Army.”
They wrote:
Damghan— “Commemorating the martyrs of the July 2009 massacre in Ashraf” / “We will continue your path”
Lahijan— “Commemorating the martyrs of the July 2009 massacre in Ashraf”
Hamadan— “Commemorating the martyrs of the July 2009 massacre in Ashraf” / “Down with Khamenei”
Khalkhal— “The mullahs must go” / “Khamenei’s end is near”
Arak— “Our vote is for the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime, down with Khamenei” / “After Mubarak and Ben Ali, it is the turn of Seyed Ali (Khamenei)”
Hamadan— “We will overthrow this regime and take back Iran”
Abadan— “Our commitment is to re-establish people’s lost rights”
Ahvaz— “We will overthrow this regime and take back Iran”
Tehran— “Hail to Massoud Rajavi and the National Liberation Army”
Kermanshah— “Hail to Massoud Rajavi, down with Khamenei”
Urmia— “Commemoration of the Eternal Light Operation”
Tehran— “Commemoration of the Eternal Light Operation”
Tabriz— “Commemoration of the Eternal Light Operation”
Tabriz— “Commemoration of the Eternal Light Operation”



Iran’s Mullahs Clutching at Straws in Deal With China

Iran's Mullahs Clutching at Straws in Deal With China
Iranian regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei and Xi Jinping – 2016

In a new article for United Press Internationalformer European lawmaker Struan Stevenson addresses the issue of the mullahs’ agreement with China – the agreement that the Iranian regime has entered in order to survive and save itself from absolute bankruptcy. However, this agreement, even if it goes through its full process, cannot save this regime from drowning. Other points in this article relate to the crisis of the coronavirus outbreak in Iran and the criminal policy of the regime in this regard and the dire situation of the collapsing economy. 

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Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities in 347 Cities Surpass 77,600

Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities in 347 Cities Surpass 77,600
Over 77,600 dead of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran-Iran Coronavirus Death Toll per PMOI MEK sources
  • Tehran City Council: Yesterday 116 people, and
  • the day before that 118 victims were buried in Behesht Zahra Cemetery. All Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in the capital are full
  • Iraj Harirchi, regime Deputy Health Minister: If we continue to have 200 deaths daily, we will reach a high number in 365 days, which is not appropriate for our country
  • Alborz University of Medical Sciences: Coronavirus victims in hospitals covered by this university reached 1,549 people
  • Kerman University of Medical Sciences: Currently, ICU beds in the Province are full, and all hospitals in the Province are involved with Coronavirus patients
  • Minoo Mohraz, member of the National Coronavirus Combat Taskforce (NCCT): Holding Muharram ceremonies is catastrophic
  • Massoud Mardani a specialist in infectious diseases: It is not permissible to hold any gathering, and this has nothing to do with [the holy months of] Muharram and Safar
  • Maryam Rajavi: The decision by Khamenei and Rouhani to hold the mourning ceremonies during the month of Moharram and the deliberate sending of people to their death is the continuation of the strategy of mass human casualties as a barrier against the danger of the uprising and the regime’s overthrow. This is while the Hajj pilgrimage has been suspended for the first time to save the lives of Muslims. Destroying the country’s health care system by refusing to hire nurses who are ready to serve is another part of the regime’s strategy. This is particularly the case because the nurses who have made enormous sacrifices for the past six months and are being infected in groups, urgently need reinforcement.

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Rudy Giuliani to Fox News: MEK members are brave people who want a free Iran/Iran’s regime will fall

In an interview with Fox News, Rudy Giuliani talks about online Free Iran Global Summit 2020 in which he delivered a speech.
Giuliani believes that the Iranian regime will fall soon. He also addresses the terrorist tag against the PMOI/MEK which is only sponsored by the mullahs in Iran. The regime who is the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world, as an Iranian diplomat-terrorist planned to blow up Iranian opposition group gathering in Paris two years ago.


Italian Senator Roberto Rampi’s remarks to the Free Iran Global Summit 


Silence toward the 1988 massacre allowed Iran’s regime to continue crimes against humanity

Khavaran Cemetery in southern Tehran, mass graves believed to hold many of those political prisoners, executed in 1988 massacre

During the November 2019 nationwide uprising in Iran, security forces killed more than 1,500 unarmed protesters, including 19 children, in just three days in the street by the suppressive Revolutionary Guard Basij forces.

Information obtained from inside Iran indicates that the scale of the massacre and the ongoing torture and execution of protesters arrested during the uprising is much worse.

But this is not a tragedy that happened over a night, or a week or month. The brutal treatment of Iranian protesters is the result of a regime enjoying more than four decades of impunity in its crimes against humanity.

Most glaring among them is the massacre of more than Iranian political prisoners in the summer of 1988, which marks its 32nd anniversary this week. At the time, then-regime supreme leader Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa to purge all prisons of regime opponents. In a matter of weeks, Iranian authorities tried and executed more than 30,000 prisoners across Iran, most of whom were supporters and members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The bodies of the victims were buried in mass, unmarked graves to hide evidence of the brutal act.

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Various protests reported in cities across Iran

Storeowners protesting and marching in the city of Qeshm, southern Iran – July 26, 2020

Storeowners in the city of Qeshm in southern Iran held a protest and march on Sunday, July 26, protesting local officials’ decision to close the city customs and leaving the deliveries at the port. Many of the items are being ruined due to this negligence.

“I purchased merchandise from India back in February and the goods have arrived. However, they have closed down the customs due to the novel coronavirus,” one storeowner said. “The Dubai customs opened just one week after being closed down due to Covid-19. The customs in Iran, however, remain closed. The storeowners in Qeshm are in very poor conditions. Covid-19 has ruined the market and on the other hand they are holding people’s ordered merchandise at the customs.”


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MEK supporters, Resistance Units express solidarity with Free Iran Global Summit

MEK Resistance Units support Free Iran Global Summit held by the Iranian Resistance across the globe

Many activists of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) engaged in activities last week to show their support for the Free Iran Global Summit (July 17-20, 2020). They were particularly active on July 17, the opening session of the Summit.

The Summit linked 30,000 locations around the globe with over 1,000 dignitaries and personalities from 102 countries.

Through various initiatives, and activities, including group presentation, wall writing, distributing leaflets, The MEK supporters  voiced support for Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and expressed their determination to realize the aspirations of the Iranian people for the overthrow of the clerical dictatorship and the establishment of a free Iran.

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Iran news in brief, July 28, 2020

Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities in 347 Cities Surpass 77,600
Various Protests Reported in Cities Across Iran



Tuesday, July 28, 2020, marks the 255th day since the beginning of the nationwide Iran protests.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has identified 755 of the more than 1500 protesters killed by the regime so far.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has called on the United Nations to urgently send an international fact-finding mission to Iranian prisons to meet with the detainees.


Number of uprising cities: 191

Number of martyrs: At least 1500

Number of injured: More than 4,000

Number of detainees: More than 12,000

Read moreLatest News in Brief- July 27, 2020