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HomeIran News NowLatest News in Brief-Live UpdatesLatest News in Brief – July 15, 2020

Latest News in Brief – July 15, 2020

Latest News in Brief – July 15, 2020
Iran, Mazandaran province, Amol city: All five Amol hospitals are involved in Coronavirus patients.



Iran: Coronavirus Update, Over 71,300 Deaths, July 15, 2020, 6:00 PM

Iran: Coronavirus Update, Over 71,300 Deaths, July 15, 2020, 6:00 PM CEST
Iran: Coronavirus Update, Over 71,300 Deaths, July 15, 2020

NUMBER OF VICTIMS (AS OF July 15, 2020, 6:00 PM CEST):
The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK /PMOI) announced this afternoon, July 15, 2020, that Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 71,300 in 346 cities across Iran. The death toll in various provinces include: 5360 in Khuzestan, 5320 in Khorasan Razavi, 4125 in Qom, 3110 in Mazandaran, 2650 in Lorestan, 2130 in West Azerbaijan, 2210 in Alborz, 1865 in Hamedan, 1698 in Fars, 950 in Kerman, and 675 in Zanjan. This is in addition to reports obtained from other provinces.


Some News of the protests in Iran’s various cities:




Some News of the protests in Iran’s various cities:

July 15 – Tabriz, northwest Iran: Retirees of the Social Security Organization rally and seek answers to their outstanding demands

July 15 – Mashhad, northeast Iran Retirees rallied outside the Social Security Organization demanding answers to their outstanding issues

July 15 – Tehran, Iran: Retirees rallying outside a branch of the regime’s Social Security Organization to seek answers to their outstanding demands 



Ongoing Support of NCRI, and MEK Free Iran Global Summit From 4 Continents

Ongoing Support of NCRI Free Iran Global Summit From 4 Continents
Ongoing Support of NCRI Free Iran Global Summit From 4 Continents

The National Council of Resistance of Iran will hold its annual “Free Iran Global Summit” on 17 July. Numerous religious and political leaders, dignitaries, and human rights organizations from both sides of the Atlantic have been expressing their solidarity with the NCRI and MEK virtual conference.  

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Iran Regime Executed 2 Political Prisoners, 3 More Are on Verge of Execution

Iran Regime Executed 2 Political Prisoners, 3 More Are on Verge of Execution: Why?
Iran Regime Executed 2 Political Prisoners, 3 More Are on Verge of Execution

The Iranian regime executed two Kurdish political prisoners on July 14 and intends to execute three young men detained during the nationwide Iran protests in November. On Wednesday, the mullahs’ regime executed another man for simply drinking alcohol. Despite the ongoing condemnation of its human rights violations, the regime has increased its oppressive measures. The question is why 

The hashtag #اعدام_نکنید (stop execution) on social media has become top trending across the world, with people calling for the immediate release of three detained protesters.  Political prisoners Amir Hossein Moradi, 26, Saeed Tamjidi, 28, and Mohammad Rajabi, 26, were sentenced to death for participating in nationwide Iran protests in November. They were arrested, tortured, and forced by the regime to make televised confessions.  

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120 UK MPs Condemn Human Rights Violations in Iran and Support Maryam Rajavi and the Iranian Resistance

120 UK MPs Condemn Human Rights Violations in Iran and Support Maryam Rajavi and the Iranian Resistance
British Parliament Statement on Iran

On the eve of the Free Iran Global Summit, 120 cross-party Members of Parliament from the United Kingdom issued a statement condemning the executions carried out by the mullahs’ regime. They call for the perpetrators of the 1988 massacre of Iranian political prisoners to be tried. They are also alarmed by recent terrorist plots by the Iranian regime against members of the opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in Europe and the US, which led to the arrest of an Iranian diplomat, Assadollah Assadi, and three other terrorists, who are currently in jail in Belgium.

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International Community Should Side With Iranian People and Their Organized Resistance

International Community Should Side With Iranian People and Their Organized Resistance
Free Iran Grand Gathering in Paris, July 2017

The United States has now been pursuing a strategy of maximum pressure on Iran’s regime for more than two years. When first outlining it in 2018, the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo listed a dozen areas of policy in which Iran’s regime would be expected to fundamentally change its behavior. But persons with a deep understanding of Iranian affairs recognize that such fundamental change cannot take place, much less persist over the long term, as long as the current regime remains in power. 


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Iranian Diplomat and Three Accomplices on Trial for Planned Bombing of a Massive Rally in Paris

Assadollah Assadi (right), a Vienna-based Iranian regime’s diplomat terrorist, was arrested on July 1, 2018, by German police for a bomb plot against an annual rally of the NCRI in 2018 in Paris

On Wednesday, July 15, 2020, the trial of Assadollah Assadi, a diplomat terrorist of the clerical regime who commanded the bombing of a large Iranian gathering in Villepinte, Paris, on June 30, 2018, will begin in Belgium. This is the first time a diplomat in Europe has been tried for direct involvement in terrorism. After two years, the Belgian judiciary completed the investigation into the terrorist plot and handed over the case of Assadi and three of his accomplices to the court.

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MEK Resistance Units sopport Free Iran Global Summit 2020

The Iranian Resistance Units, a network of activists of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) across Iran, have been organizing various activities that are louder calls for regime change. The Resistance Units bravely took to graffiti in public places
announcing their support for the annual gathering of the Iranian Resistance the “Free Iran Global Summit: Iran Rising Up for Freedom” with the slogans: “Down with the principle of the Supreme Leader’s rule,” “Democracy and freedom with Maryam Rajavi, down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi” and “Maryam Iran, Iran Maryam.”


Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 343 Cities Exceeds 70,800


In an unprecedented move, regime’s Health Ministry declared 25 provinces on red or alert

  • The scale of the tragedy in Tehran is such that despite Rouhani’s initial objections, Tehran municipality announced new restrictions for a week
  • Deputy Health Minister: Due to the large number of patients, the number of 16-hour medical centers in Tehran increased from 30 to 94 centers last week.
  • All five Amol hospitals are involved in Coronavirus patients. Four hospitals are about to be full. The situation is gradually bypassing the city health centers’ capacity.
  • Entrance to three major cemeteries in Mashhad has been closed until further notice. Many medical staff have been infected, and the pressure on others is very high.

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Execution of Two Kurdish Political Prisoners in Urmia and Confirmation of the Death Sentence of Three Arrested Protesters by the Supreme Court of the Mullahs

Execution of Two Kurdish Political Prisoners in Urmia and Confirmation of the Death Sentence of Three Arrested Protesters by the Supreme Court of the Mullahs
Iranian regime has executed two Kurdish prisoners, Diako Rasoulzadeh and Saber Sheikh Abdollah, in the central prison of Urmia.

Maryam Rajavi strongly condemned the inhuman executions of Kurdish prisoners and called on the international community to take effective action against the daily killings of Khamenei and his executioners in Iran.

The Iranian regime, immersed in a dire crisis, executed two Kurdish political prisoners, Diako Rasoulzadeh and Saber Sheikh Abdullah, in Urmia Prison in the early hours of this morning, Tuesday, July 14, 2020.

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Khamenei reveals fears for his regime’s future

The November 2019 nationwide uprising in Iran

In a videoconference on Sunday, July 12, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei warned the new hand-picked members of the Majlis about the looming the social crisis the regime is facing.

Khamenei warned that internal conflicts can lead to the danger of a new uprisings and said, “The atmosphere of conflict at the top of the establishment is harmful and upsetting for the public opinion.” Khamenei added that “despite of differences of opinions, we must stand hand in hand against the enemy and speak common words.”

Khamenei meant to put a lid on the rivalries between different regime factions lest his entire regime be swept by its real nemesis, the oppressed people of Iran, and their organized resistance movement.

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Iran state newspaper warns of future protests, another uprising


“The extreme poverty index in Iran has increased by 26 percent during the past year alone,” according to a piece published in the state-run Arman daily on Monday, July 13. “This report forecasts unpleasant developments in the future that are beginning to take shape in the depth of our society. During the past year the people’s economic difficulties have increased extensively… the pressures imposed through our monetary and financial policies, and economic mismanagement have all resulted in lesser and lesser people being able to experience any leisure and recreation.”

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Iran news in brief, July 15, 2020

Iran’s Regime Executes Two Political Prisoners, Three More on Death Row
Iranian Regime’s Terrorist-Diplomat and Three Accomplices on Trial
Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 343 Cities Exceeds 70,800



Wednesday, July 15, 2020, marks the 242nd day since the beginning of the nationwide Iran protests.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has identified 755 of the more than 1500 protesters killed by the regime so far.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has called on the United Nations to urgently send an international fact-finding mission to Iranian prisons to meet with the detainees.


Number of uprising cities: 191

Number of martyrs: At least 1500

Number of injured: More than 4,000

Number of detainees: More than 12,000

Read more: Latest News in Brief- July 14, 2020