Latest News in Brief – August 14, 2020

Gardane- Heyran in Ardabil province. Ardabil is an ancient city in northwestern Iran and the capital of Ardabil Province





Maryam Rajavi:

The regime’s leaders must face justice as the greatest perpetrators of terrorism in the world today as should their agents and mercenaries inside and outside Iran.

Amnesty International: Families of Iran’s 1988 massacre still seek truth

In the summer of 1988, the clerical regime ruling in Iran secretly executed several thousands of political prisoners. Three decades on, families and survivors are still seeking justice.

In a series of tweets, Amnesty International shared excerpts from interviews with witnesses and survivors of the horrible crime that has become known as the “1988 massacre.”


Iran Protests

Workers of the Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Company on Friday, August 14, continue their protests and strike for the 61st day in Shush, Khuzestan province, southwest Iran.



Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities in 379 Cities Exceeds 87,900

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on August 13, 2020, that the Coronavirus death toll in 379 cities across Iran had passed 87,900. The number of victims in Khorasan Razavi is 6,413, Khuzestan 6,062, Mazandaran 4,130, Isfahan 3,891, Lorestan 3,602, Sistan And Baluchistan 2,776, Alborz 2,620, West Azerbaijan 2,540,East Azerbaijan 2,531, Fars 2,455, Golestan 2,444, Hamedan 2,239, North Khorasan 1,362, Kerman 1,343, Hormozgan 1,135, and Central 1,066.

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Iran: Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Workers Strikes Enter 13th Day Running, Spread to the Railway Sector

On Thursday, August 13, 2020, tens of thousands of oil, gas, and petrochemical workers and employees continued their strike for the 13th day. These strikes are taking place in 51 locations in provinces of Isfahan, Ardabil, East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Ilam, Bushehr, Khorasan Razavi, Khuzestan, Fars, Sistan and Baluchestan, Central and Hormozgan.

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Iran: MEK Supporters and Resistance Units Pay Tribute to Martyrs of the 1988 Massacre and the Nationwide Protests

Isfahan, Damavand, and Tehran- Commemorating the fallen heroes of the 1988 massacre- “We will neither forget nor forgive, until justice prevails” – August 5, 2020

Coinciding with the 32nd anniversary of the 1988 massacre of (30,000) political prisoners in Iran, Resistance Units and young supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) throughout the country, paid tribute the martyrs of this manifest case of a crime against humanity and called for justice and the prosecution of the perpetrators and masterminds of this heinous crime, many of whom are currently among the officials and leaders of the ruling regime.

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Why Iran’s mullahs and the overthrown monarchists attack MEK

“Iranians have understood that the best way to have the criminals accountable for their 40 years of crimes, is to overthrow this tyranny, to win this war for freedom,” said the former senator and Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt during her speech at the Free Iran Global Summit 2020, held online at Ashraf 3 in connection to 30,000 locations in 102 countries.

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Iran: People from different walks of life holding protests for legitimate demands

Reporting by PMOI/MEK

Iran, August 12, 2020—A group of CF (cystic fibrosis) patients in Mashhad, northeastern Iran, gathered in front of Akbar Hospital on Wednesday, August 12, protesting the high cost of medicine.

In addition to the staggering costs of treatment, CF patients are facing the problem of obtaining the required and effective medicine these days, and they want the Ministry of Health to take action to resolve this issue.

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Friday, August 14, 2020, marks the 272nd day since the beginning of the nationwide Iran protests.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has identified 755 of the more than 1500 protesters killed by the regime so far.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has called on the United Nations to urgently send an international fact-finding mission to Iranian prisons to meet with the detainees.


Number of uprising cities: 191

Number of martyrs: At least 1500

Number of injured: More than 4,000

Number of detainees: More than 12,000

Read more: Latest News in Brief- August 13, 2020

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