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Iran News in Brief – March 6, 2024

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Sweden’s High Court Refuses Appeal Of Iran Ex-prison Official

Agence France Presse (AFP) – Sweden’s Supreme Court said Wednesday it would not hear an appeal by a former Iranian prison official who was handed a life sentence for crimes committed during a 1988 purge of dissidents.

A Swedish district court in July 2022 sentenced Hamid Noury, 62, to life in prison “for grave breaches of international humanitarian law and murder.”

An appeals court upheld the verdict in December 2023, which Noury then appealed to the Supreme Court.

“The Supreme Court has now decided not to grant leave to appeal. This means that the judgment of the Court of Appeal stands,” the court wrote in a statement.

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US Targets Houthi Revenue Sources

us virtual embassy in iranThe United States is today imposing sanctions on two ship owners and identifying two vessels as blocked property for their role in shipping commodities on behalf of Sa’id al-Jamal, an Iran-based, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force-backed Houthi financial facilitator. Revenue generated through al-Jamal’s network enables Houthi militant efforts, including ongoing attacks on international maritime commerce in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.  The consequences of these attacks are felt far beyond the region, and the United States will continue to use all available measures to disrupt the funding streams that enable these destabilizing activities.

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Iran: Draconian Campaign To Enforce Compulsory Veiling Laws Through Surveillance And Mass Car Confiscations


Iranian authorities are waging a large-scale campaign to enforce repressive compulsory veiling laws through widespread surveillance of women and girls in public spaces and mass police checks targeting women drivers, said Amnesty International ahead of International Women’s Day. Tens of thousands of women have had their cars arbitrarily confiscated as punishment for defying Iran’s veiling laws. Others have been prosecuted and sentenced to flogging or prison terms or faced other penalties such as fines or being forced to attend “morality” classes.

Testimonies from 46 individuals – 41 women, including a trans woman, one girl, and four men – collected by Amnesty International in February 2024, coupled with a review of official documents including court verdicts and prosecution orders, indicate that a plethora of state agencies are involved in persecuting women and girls for simply exercising their rights to bodily autonomy and freedom of expression and belief. The organization has released excerpts of 20 of the testimonies ‎to provide a glimpse into the frightening daily reality faced by women and girls in Iran.

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Conference At The Italian Senate

Conference at the Italian Senate maryam rajavi

On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, a number of Italian senators and members of parliament participated in a conference dealing with the situation of the Iranian regime and the role of the Iranian Resistance. Some political dignitaries also attended this meeting.
Maryam Rajavi joined the conference online and addressed the audience. Your Excellency Senator Giulio Terzi, Senators, and honorable dignitaries, I extend warm greetings to everyone on behalf of the Iranian Resistance, which seeks to bring down the misogynist and oppressive religious dictatorship and establish freedom and democracy in Iran.

As we approach International Women’s Day, I extend my sincere respect to my sisters across Italy, particularly the honorable women serving in both chambers of the Italian parliament, who carry the heavy responsibility of legislation.

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Iran’s State Media Admit Regime Is In A “Legitimacy Crisis” After Widespread Elections Boycott

empty polls during iran parliamentary elections

The Iranian regime’s media outlets are admitting that March 1 elections, which were boycotted by the Iranian people, saw the lowest participation rate in the history of the Islamic Republic.

Moreover, the truth that the participation rate in three consecutive elections fell below 50% in Iran is the first indicator of a legitimacy crisis.

Media outlets and government figures mentioned that there are more than 500,000 invalid votes in Tehran, reflecting the reality of Tehran being the second center with a 40% rate of invalid votes.

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Boycotts and Resistance Defined Iran’s Recent ‘Elections’

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The recent elections in Iran starkly underscore the systemic and deep-seated issues plaguing the Islamic Republic’s political system, highlighting the undeniable truth that elections in Iran are fundamentally neither free nor fair. The widespread calls for boycotts and palpable dissent among the Iranian people point to a profound rejection of the ruling theocracy.

This sentiment was vividly captured by a young university student’s analogy, likening voting in the election to prisoners voting for their prison guards—a powerful illustration of the futility and coercion inherent in the theatrics of the electoral process under this regime.

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The Crushing Blow of Low Turnout in Iran’s Sham Election: Regime Faces Legitimacy Crisis

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The March 1st Iranian election witnessed the lowest voter turnout in the regime’s history, according to the state-run newspaper Farhikhtegan. This marks the third consecutive election with participation below 50%, highlighting a legitimacy crisis for the regime.

Sharq, another state-run newspaper, stated on March 4th, “The 12th parliament has an unusual composition. Representatives will be making decisions for over 80 million Iranians, despite receiving fewer than 10,000 votes each.”

Another, Javan, admitted on the same day, “Many people, including those influenced by enemy propaganda, internal disputes, and other motives, chose not to participate. This is a significant issue that demands serious consideration.”

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Iran Simmers with Unrest: Labor Strikes, Political Dissent Signal Deepening Social Crisis

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Zohreh Elahian, a member of the Iran regime’s parliament, highlighted discussions regarding the minimum monthly wage for workers in 2024. She cautioned against disregarding the current societal conditions and the significant wave of discontent among the labor community. Elahian emphasized that the challenging living conditions of workers have led to an unprecedentedly volatile situation.

Speaking to the state-run website Rokna, Elahian stated, “Considering that the salary increase for workers in 2024 has not yet been confirmed, it is imperative to approach this issue with greater sensitivity, taking into account the prevailing societal conditions. Failure to do so will inevitably result in widespread dissatisfaction among the working community.”

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Iran’s Gas Production 42% Higher Than Official Figures, Oil Minister Claims

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Javad Owji, the Iranian regime’s Minister of Oil, claimed during a meeting of gas-exporting countries in Algeria that in the next five years, with a $70 billion investment, Iran’s daily gas production would increase from the current approximately 1.07 billion cubic meters to 1.3 billion cubic meters. His statements on March 3 regarding producing over 1 billion cubic meters of gas come in contrast to his previous statement the day before, where he mentioned the country’s total gas production in the entire year of 2022 as 240 billion cubic meters, equivalent to a daily production of 675 million cubic meters. This figure aligns with international and the regime’s official statistics.

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Vienna—March 4, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally Against Appeasement Policy Toward the Mullahs’ Regime

Vienna—March 4, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally Against Appeasement Policy Toward the Mullahs' Regime.

Vienna, Austria—March 4, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally simultaneously with the IAEA Board of Governors meeting against the appeasement policy toward the Mullahs’ regime. Iranian community in Vienna expressed their solidarity with the nationwide Iranian people’s uprising.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – March 5, 2023