Iran News in Brief – January 28, 2024

paris iranian resistance demonstration 27012024



Sunday Protests in Iran

Retired employees of Mapna Neyr Perse took to the streets in front of the company’s offices in Tehran today, demanding higher pensions. Despite repeated appeals, authorities have yet to address their grievances.

In Isfahan, retirees from the steel industry resumed their weekly protest rallies, emphasizing their dire need for increased pensions and essential provisions. Chants of “We have seen no justice, we will not vote anymore,” echoed through the streets as protesters voiced their frustration.

Retirees and pensioners of the Social Security Organization in Shush reignited their protests, denouncing authorities for failing to adjust pensions in line with rising living costs. The persistent disregard for their financial well-being has fueled their determination to demand action.

Oil workers in Aghajari, southwest Iran, continued their demonstrations, seeking improved job security, fair wages, and adherence to labor laws. Despite the legality and fairness of their demands, authorities have remained unresponsive.

Workers from the oil sector gathered in Gachsaran, southwest Iran, rallying for better working conditions, the enforcement of job classification laws, and increased wages to meet their basic needs. The demonstrators highlighted the urgency of their demands in the face of continued neglect.

In Ahvaz, southwest Iran, employees of Iran National Steel Industrial Group (INSIG) congregated outside Bank-e-Melli’s local branch, intensifying their protest campaign for overdue wages and improved conditions. Meanwhile, retirees of the Social Security Organization reiterated their plea for higher pensions.

Workers of the Makran Desalination Project staged a rally in Chabahar, southeast Iran, protesting against unpaid wages, underscoring the financial strain faced by laborers in the region.

At Hegmataneh Petrochemical Company, workers continued their second day of protests over months-delayed wages in Hamdan, western Iran. The persistent financial hardships endured by employees have sparked outrage and prompted renewed calls for action.

The widespread unrest underscores mounting discontent among various sectors of Iranian society, with workers and retirees alike demanding equitable treatment and fair compensation for their contributions. As tensions escalate, authorities face mounting pressure to address the grievances and restore stability across the nation.

Brutal Raid on Political Prisoners in Iran’s Qezel Hesar Prison

Today, around 2:00 PM Tehran time, anti-riot guards along with agents of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence stormed the political prisoners’ ward in Unit 4 of Qezel Hesar Prison. During the raid, which resulted in a violent clash with inmates, five prisoners were injured and their belongings were either destroyed or confiscated. The prisoners were protesting against the recent surge in executions and the indiscriminate issuance of death sentences by the judiciary.

Amid the savage assault by security forces, political prisoners shouted slogans condemning the regime, chanting “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to the dictator,” and “Khamenei is a murderer.” They bravely resisted the onslaught, forcing regime agents out of the ward.

The attack on defenseless prisoners is a well-documented tactic employed by the regime’s prison authorities. The incident underscores the ongoing human rights violations within Iran’s prison system, exposing the brutality faced by political dissidents at the hands of the regime’s authorities.


UK Cyber Experts Warn of Targeted Phishing Attacks From Actors Based in Russia and Iran

The UK has today (Thursday) warned of the threat from targeted spear-phishing campaigns against organisations and individuals carried out by cyber actors based in Russia and Iran.

In an advisory published today, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) – a part of GCHQ – shared details about the techniques and tactics used by the attackers as well as mitigation advice to combat the continuing threat.

Spear-phishing involves an attacker sending malicious links, for example via email, to specific targets in order to try to induce them to share sensitive information.

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Tragic Shooting Incident Claims Lives of Pakistani Workers in Sistan and Baluchestan

In a devastating turn of events, nine innocent Pakistani laborers were fatally shot and several others wounded in a shooting incident in the Sistan and Baluchestan province.

According to the state-run Mehr News Agency, in the early hours of Saturday, January 27,  nine foreign nationals in Sirkan, a region within the Saravan district, fell victim to armed assailants whose identities remain unknown. As of now, no group or individual has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Additionally, a Telegram channel affiliated with a local Baluchi group reported the deaths and injuries of 12 Pakistani nationals due to gunfire by unidentified armed individuals in the Sirkan area of Saravan. The victims were targeted following the intrusion of armed individuals into their residences.

Sources close to the matter revealed that these individuals, residing in Sirkan for approximately 15 years, were engaged in various labor-intensive jobs including construction, painting, automotive, and electrical work. Despite residing within close proximity to five military bases belonging to the Revolutionary Guards, Basij, police forces, and security units, they became the targets of a hail of bullets.

Many individuals have condemned this heinous crime against innocent Pakistani workers, emphasizing that they should have been treated with hospitality, as per Iranian customs and traditions. Some speculate a possible connection between this incident and recent missile attacks by the IRGC and potential retaliatory actions by the Pakistani military.

Iran Has Enough Uranium To Make 12 Nuclear Bombs in Five Months, Warns Former UN Weapons Inspector

Iranian scientists can produce enough weapons-grade uranium to make 12 nuclear bombs within five months, it has been claimed. The revelation follows the disclosure by the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) that the Iranian regime has increased the production rate of highly enriched uranium up to 60 percent purity.

Modern nuclear weapons require uranium to be enriched up to 90 percent but inspectors within the IAEA believed this could be achieved by Iran very quickly.

Now David Albright, a former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, believes that Iran could begin producing weapons-grade uranium in a matter of weeks and already has the technical knowledge to build nuclear weapons.

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Iran’s Regime Is Futilely Trying To Suppress Dissent Through Executions and Violence

Iran’s regime continues its alarming wave of executions as it struggles with multiple crises at home and abroad. According to a new statement by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the regime hanged nine prisoners from January 21 to January 23. These executions are taking place as the regime continues to grapple with unrest from different segments of society and has failed to stifle dissent across the country. The regime has ramped up executions after the beginning of the war in Gaza, finishing 2023 with more than 850 executions and beginning 2024 with an unprecedented rise in death sentences.

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Alarming Rise in Student Suicides Sparks Concerns Over Iran’s Education System

In a recent report, the Telegram channel of the Coordinating Council of Trade Union Organizations of Iranian Educators shed light on the distressing increase of suicides among students. Since the onset of October this year, the report reveals a staggering number of student suicides, with eight tragic incidents occurring in January alone.

The report identifies several factors contributing to this alarming trend, including economic challenges, the shrinking middle class, and its subsequent social and emotional repercussions. Ineffectiveness in the education system, the absence of educational resources and counselors in schools, and the financial and inequality in education are identified as catalysts forming a dangerous chain of student suicides.

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Iran’s Regime Continues The Brutal Executions of Protesters

Mohammad Ghobadlou, a 23-year-old young man, was executed on the morning of Tuesday, January 23, marking the ninth victim of the Iranian regime’s hostility towards its citizens, particularly those involved in the nationwide protests of 2022.

The Iranian regime’s judicial system, lacking independence, had previously executed Mohsen Shekari, Majidreza Rahnavard, Mohammad Mehdi Karami, Mohammad Hosseini, Saeed Yaqoubi, Saleh Mirhashmi, Majid Kazemi, and Milad Zohrevand.

The execution of Ghobadlou on Tuesday morning triggered widespread anger among the populace, with many viewing it as yet another stark indication of the regime’s ‘cruelty’ and the ‘unfairness’ of its judicial system.

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Safety Concerns Surrounding Tehran’s Medical Facilities: A Growing Crisis

A fire broke out on Thursday evening at Gandhi Hospital on Valiasr Street in Tehran, raising serious questions about the safety of the medical facility. According to the Fire Department’s spokesperson, the hospital had received at least five ‘unsafe warnings,’ with the latest notice issued in November of the previous year.

Mehdi Khosravani, Crisis Manager of Tehran Municipality Region 6, revealed that Gandhi Hospital had been cautioned at least ‘three times’ by the Prevention and Crisis Management Organization of Tehran. What is particularly alarming is that the hospital, which opened in 2013, was initially lauded as a symbol of a new movement with state-of-the-art legal standards, regulations, and earthquake resistance up to a magnitude of 8.5 to 9.

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Iran’s Parliament Triples Budget for State Broadcasting, Sparks Controversy

In a significant move, the Iran regime’s Parliament has approved a threefold increase in the budget of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) for the year 2024, soaring to 24 trillion tomans compared to the previous year’s budget of less than eight trillion tomans.

Peyman Jabali, the head of the regime’s Broadcasting, directly appointed by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, had previously expressed concerns about the inadequacy of the organization’s budget to cover the costs of producing quality content for its extensive network. The recent budget hike aims to address this issue but has generated a wave of reactions.

Dawood Manzoor, deputy of the regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi and head of the Program and Budget Organization, highlighted the financial implications of this decision, stating that the increased budgets for both IRIB and the judiciary have imposed a combined burden of 37 trillion tomans on the government.

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Iran’s Garbage Mafia Exploits Children, Creates Social Crisis

The Deputy Minister of Justice in the Iranian regime recently disclosed a disconcerting reality: the turnover of the garbage mafia in the capital is officially estimated at 3 trillion tomans per year. However, unofficial statistics suggest that the actual figures are much higher. This revelation sheds light on a sinister phenomenon where mafia agents associated with the regime manage garbage-collecting activities, exploiting both children and adults.

The root cause of this issue lies in the illegal waste mafia, whose activities are considered criminal, leaving scars on the societal body, disrupting the city landscape, and violating citizens’ rights. Despite admissions from various officials and managers of Tehran municipality over the last two decades regarding the existence of a significant garbage-collecting mafia and the exploitation of children in this realm, no effective solutions have been implemented.

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Houthis Continue Attacks on Ships in the Red Sea

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) center announced on Friday, January 26, that it had received a report of two missile explosions in the waters near a ship close to the port of Aden, Yemen. The center issued an alert stating that the ship and its crew were safe, and no damage had been reported.

According to the alert, the ship is currently moving to the next port, and coalition forces are responding to the incident.

The UKMTO also stated that on Friday, it received a separate report of an incident related to a ship located approximately 60 nautical miles (111 kilometers) from the port of Hodeidah in the Red Sea.

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Raha Pour Ebrahim Denied Medical Care in Mashhad Jail

Political prisoner Raha Pour Ebrahim has been denied medical treatment and hospitalization despite undergoing major surgery. She is serving a three-year sentence in the Central Prison of Mashhad, also known as Vakil Abad Prison.

According to an informed source, she underwent surgery on her right leg on January 10, 2024, but was returned to prison before achieving full recovery and receiving the necessary medical treatment. Currently, she needs to have the stitches removed from her leg, but the authorities at the Central Prison of Mashhad do not permit her to do so. This cruel denial constitutes a form of torture against this political prisoner.

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Sydney: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, Condemning the Executions of Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi

Sydney, Australia — January 25, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. This rally served as a tribute to the martyrs Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi, who were executed on January 23, 2024, by the mullahs’ regime.

During the event, MEK supporters in Sydney called for the trial of leaders from the mullahs’ regime, with a particular emphasis on Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the mullahs’ regime, and Ebrahim Raisi, the mass murderer, for their crimes against humanity. The supporters urged that this trial take place in an international court.

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Paris—January 25, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Paris, France—January 25, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – January 27, 2023

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