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Iran News in Brief – January 27, 2024

European Parliament Event Highlights Iranian Regime’s Interference in European Institutions 1
European Parliament Event Highlights Iranian Regime’s Interference in European Institutions



Saturday Protests in Iran

Employees of the Petroleum Engineering and Development Company (PEDEC) gathered in front of the company offices in Tehran, airing grievances over contract terms and job security. The rally underscores mounting discontent within the sector over working conditions.

Workers from the Hegmataneh Petrochemical Company staged a rally in Hamedan, western Iran, echoing frustrations over months-long delays in wage payments. The protest highlights the economic strains facing laborers in western Iran.

Employees of South Pars refineries took to the streets in Bushehr, south Iran, demanding improved job classifications and better working environments. The demonstration signals widespread calls for labor reforms in the southern regions.

Workers from the Iranian Offshore Oil Company held a protest rally in Lavan Island, amplifying demands for revisions to wage determination policies and essential amenities. Despite repeated appeals, authorities have yet to address the grievances of laborers in the southern sector.

Employees of the Iran National Steel Industrial Group (INSIG) convened in front of the governorate in Ahvaz, decrying the persistent neglect of their basic needs for improved working conditions. The rally reflects escalating tensions within the industrial heartlands of southwest Iran.

Merchants in Javanrud, western Iran, voiced outrage over security forces’ actions targeting bazaar traders during a rally in the city. The incident, which drew condemnation, underscores growing discontent among business communities in western Iran. At night, locals expressed fury in front of the governorate following repressive measures by security forces against merchants. The renewed protest signals deep-seated grievances over security crackdowns in the region.


Terror Rampage Iran Is Hellbent on Igniting Middle East Tinderbox in Murderous Bid to Stop Collapse of Regime, Warns Resistance Leader

The Sun

Hossein Abedini, a member of the National Committee of Resistance of Iran, said Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is capitalising on the region’s exploding tensions to escalate terror on his own people at home. Abedini said the root of the issue lies within Iran itself and the external crises are a tactic to quell internal dissent.

He told The Sun: “Iran is abusing the crisis in the region to expand terror at home – and is using the conflict in the Middle East to divert the attention from its main war, which is against its people.

“The head of the snake [Ali Khamenei] needs to create an external crisis now more than ever.

“Khamenei and his criminal president Ebrahim Raisi, have reached a deadlock in the face of the Iranian people’s uprising against the regime.

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UK and Allies ‘Reserve Right To Respond Appropriately’ After Yemen Houthis Target British Oil Tanker


Britain and its allies “reserve the right to respond appropriately” after a missile strike claimed by Houthi rebels on an oil tanker in the Gulf of Aden, the government has said.

The Marlin Luanda was sent up in flames after an attack off the coast of Yemen on Friday, days after the latest round of US-UK military action against the Iran-backed group. No casualties have yet been reported. Military ships were en route to assist on Friday as multinational firm Trafigura said the safety of crew on the vessel, which is operated on its behalf, is its “foremost priority”.

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European Parliament Event Highlights Iranian Regime’s Interference in European Institutions

A group of European former and current Members of Parliament (MEPs) and other experts gathered at the European Parliament in Brussels on January 23, 2024, to launch a document produced by the Friends of a Free Iran (FOFI) Intergroup on the Iranian regime’s interference in European institutions.

The document, titled “Iran Experts Initiative: A Covert Operation to Manipulate European Policy and Demonize the Iranian Opposition,” details how the Iranian regime has been using a network of so-called “Iran experts” to influence European policies and decision-makers. These experts have been peddling misleading information designed to demonize the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its primary component, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI).

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Tehran Should Not Be Allowed to Manipulate the World’s Internet as It Tries to Control Its Own


Iran’s oppressive internet policies, often labeled as among the most restrictive in the world, extend far beyond the boundaries of its borders, reaching into the global realm of information sharing and manipulation. This concerted effort to control the flow of information is evident in Iran’s systematic blocking of virtual private networks (VPNs), essential tools for accessing uncensored content and circumventing the regime’s extensive surveillance apparatus.

Tehran’s “cyber patrol,” a powerful tool in the regime’s censorship arsenal, relentlessly monitors internet usage, meticulously scrutinizing every online activity. This intrusive monitoring system extends to blocking access to Western media, social networks, and a plethora of online content deemed critical of the regime or potentially challenging its authority.

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France, Germany, UK Condemn Iran’s Launch of Soraya Satellite

Jan 26 (Reuters) – France, Germany, and Britain on Friday condemned Iran’s launch of the Soraya satellite last week using the Ghaem-100 Space Launch Vehicle (SLV).

The SLV uses technology essential for the development of a long-range ballistic missile system, which could also allow Tehran to launch longer-range weapons, the countries said in a joint statement on Friday.



Iran’s Regime Disqualifies Key Figures in Upcoming Elections

Irans Regime Disqualifies Key Figures

The official website of former Iranian regime president Hassan Rouhani has announced that the Guardian Council has rejected his candidacy for the upcoming elections of the Assembly of Experts, scheduled for March 1.

The website stated on Wednesday, January 24, that the disqualification of the former President of Iran will also be officially announced through the Ministry of Interior.

Unofficial reports of his disqualification were circulated in domestic news agencies in Iran in recent days. Hassan Rouhani, who is currently a member of the Assembly of Experts, has registered for candidacy in the upcoming elections for the Assembly.

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Iran’s Inflation Crisis Is Reaching Unprecedented Levels

iran workers shovel construction

Simultaneously with the devaluation of the Iranian rial and the increase in the price of the US dollar, there has been severe inflation in prices, particularly in the cost of essential necessities, exacerbating the already challenging conditions.

On January 21, 2024, Farhikhtegan newspaper ran an article titled, “Institutionalized inflation in the country’s economy,” and warned that “we must explore and investigate last year’s protests and disturbances from this perspective,” referring to the nationwide protests of 2022-2023.

On January 20, Etemad online quoted Vahid Shaghaghi, an economics professor at Kharazmi University, about the causes of “inflationary engines in the Iranian economy.” He said, “Key imbalances in the Iranian economy, which serve as inflationary engines, include imbalances in the water sector, electricity sector, pension funds, oil and gas sector, and gasoline sector, along with land price depreciation.

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Unprecedented Public Interest: Mohammad Ghobadlou’s Execution Sparks Nationwide Concern

Iranian political prisoner Mohammad Ghobadloo

Iran’s upcoming elections have witnessed a striking display of public indifference, with the spotlight shifting towards a surprising figure—Mohammad Ghobadlou. The public’s search interest in Ghobadlou surpasses that of both the regime’s former president, Hassan Rouhani, and the current president, Ebrahim Raisi. There is a notable lack of public interest in the disqualification of Hassan Rouhani for the upcoming elections.

The surge in searches for Mohammad Ghobadlou commenced the night preceding his execution and reached its pinnacle post-execution. At times, the search volume even surpassed queries about the ‘dollar price,’ underscoring the intensity of public interest.

Of particular note is the Twitter hashtag #MohammadGhobadlou (#محمد_قبادلو), which has dominated Twitter trends in recent days, unlike any other topic.

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Ownership of Iran’s Chehelbazeh River is Triggering an Environmental Crisis

iran chehelbazeh river bank

The title deed for one of Iran’s most significant rivers in Mashhad is registered in the names of the Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs, the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order, and the Tus Plateau Private Company.

Despite rivers being considered public property, akin to forests and other natural areas, two governmental institutions and a private company are vying for a stake in Mashhad’s Chehelbazeh River. It is worth noting that, even according to the laws of this regime, the transfer of ownership for such natural resources is not permissible.

Chehelbazeh, upon which the Golestan Dam was constructed during the Timurid period, stands as one of the most crucial tributaries of the Kashf River in the northeast of Iran.

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Unyielding Repression: Iran’s Escalating Executions and Inhumane Punishments

Iran Lobby Silent on Rising Executions

The Iranian regime persists in executing prisoners, seemingly driven by the fear of potential uprisings. On January 24, Fazel Shafiei and Morteza Nadimi were hanged in Shiraz, followed by Ahmad Asgarat in Qezelhessar Prison on January 23, and Salman Salimi, Ahmad Ha’eri, Moslim Aliyari, Hosseinali Shakoorian, and Nasser Mavaddat in various locations on January 21 and 22.

Simultaneously, the regime sentenced political prisoner Ali Obaidavi to death after four years in Mahshahr Prison. His brother, Hossein Obaidavi, received a 13-year prison sentence. The Supreme Court confirmed the execution of political prisoner Yousef Ahmadi, while three others in the same case were sentenced to lengthy prison terms.

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Prosecution of Journalists Persists in Iran: Parisa Salehi Is Handed Down One Year in Prison

Parisa Salehi iran

Parisa Salehi, a journalist, was sentenced to one year in prison and supplementary punishments. The Revolutionary Court of Karaj recently handed down a one-year sentence for Parisa Salehi on the charge of disseminating “propaganda against the state.”

She has also been sentenced to two years of internal exile to the city of Zanjan, a two-year ban on social network activities, and another two-year ban on departing the country.

Parisa Salehi is a master’s student of the economy at Tehran University and works as an economic journalist for the Donya-e Eghtesad daily newspaper.

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Tehran’s Ongoing Struggle with Air Pollution and Acid Rain


The pervasive air pollution in Tehran, now a multifaceted challenge jeopardizing residents’ health, continues to unveil new dimensions daily. Maziar Gholami, Director General of Meteorology for Tehran province, has raised concerns about the escalating risk of chemical fog and smog, a consequence of the persistent severity of air pollution in Iran’s capital. Contrary to the belief that rainfall might alleviate air pollution, Gholami, in a televised interview, explained that the surge in humidity, when combined with pollutants, contributes to the occurrence of chemical smog and fog. He emphasized that the current rainfall in Tehran has taken on chemical or acidic characteristics.

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Iran’s Medical Community Confronts Tariff Hikes and Economic Hardships

Iranian regime now claims to have released 100,000 prisoners amid the coronavirus pandemic. But nothing that the theocratic regime says about the current situation should be taken at face value.

In the backdrop of the challenging life faced by Iran’s medical professionals, including doctors and nurses grappling with persistent economic struggles, the announcement from Mohammad Raiszadeh, the head of Iran’s Medical Council, takes on added significance. Despite the impending 20% maximum salary increase for Iranian workers, employees, and retirees in 2024, the medical community continues to endure hardships. Raiszadeh’s revelation of a substantial 46% increase in the tariff for medical services by the Supreme Council of Insurance reflects the complex and demanding circumstances faced by healthcare professionals in the country.

Raiszadeh, while urging the government to endorse this medical tariff hike, highlighted the additional strain placed on the Iranian medical community due to the existing rates. This is notable, despite the tariff for diagnostic and treatment services having increased by 25% in 2023 and 19.5% the year before.

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Iranian Prisoners on Hunger Strike in Protest of Political Executions

Iranian political prisoners Farhad Salimi Mohammad Ghobadloo

Following the execution of Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi, two political prisoners, 61 political and ideological prisoners in the women’s ward of Evin Prison announced on Tuesday, January 21 that “the news of the execution of Iranian youth has sparked a wave of anger and protest in society. Political and ideological female prisoners at Evin Prison will go on a general hunger strike on Thursday, January 25, in protest of the recent executions and to demand the ‘halt of executions.’”

The execution of two political prisoners on the morning of Tuesday, January 23, has sparked anger and protest on social media, with observers considering these executions as the Iranian regime’s “vengeance” against the people of Iran following the “killing of its terrorists” in the region.

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Vienna, Austria: MEK Supporters’ Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, Condemning the Executions of Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi

Vienna, Austria—January 25, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution.

Vienna, Austria — January 25, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. This rally served as a tribute to the martyrs Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi, who were executed on January 23, 2024, by the mullahs’ regime.

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St. Gallen, Switzerland: MEK Supporters’ Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, Condemning the Executions of Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi

St. Gallen: MEK Supporters' Exhibition Honoring Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi.

St. Gallen, Switzerland — January 25, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. This exhibition served as a tribute to the martyrs Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi, who were executed on January 23, 2024, by the mullahs’ regime.

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Lucerne, Switzerland: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution—January 24, 2024

Lucerne—January 24, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution.

Lucerne, Switzerland — January 24, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a book exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – January 26, 2023