Iran News in Brief – February 13, 2024

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UPDATE: 11:00 PM

Insider Lashes Out Regime’s Electoral Facade as Meaningless

Mohammad Mohajeri, a member of the editorial board of the Khabar Online website, has openly acknowledged the futility of the regime’s electoral facade. In a column for the state-run Etemad newspaper, he wrote, “Competition in elections is merely about having a large number of candidates with diverse tastes, views, and opinions. If, for instance, 1,000 candidates with similar tastes enter the competition, the outcome is simply a caricature of elections.”

He emphasized that calling for a high turnout in such elections is a mockery, as society does not take it seriously.

Regarding the disqualification of candidates in the previous sham elections, Mohajeri highlighted the damage done by the regime. He pointed out that the rejection of senior officials resulted in a weak government incapable of managing ordinary affairs, despite receiving support from neighboring countries.

Mohajeri added, “What is the purpose of these games? Is it just to complete an assignment, like schoolchildren assigned homework at night, merely for the sake of completion? Whether someone becomes president or individuals enter parliament, the Assembly of Experts, or local councils, their role shouldn’t resemble a school chore performed mechanically without deriving any real benefit from it. If elections are viewed in such a light, we’ve essentially engaged in futile and pointless endeavors. We’ve wasted the nation’s money, squandered their time standing in lines at the polls, and initiated pointless hype and propaganda, putting everyone through the motions for what amounts to nothing more than entertainment. If this is the case, do we truly need all this commotion? There are simpler ways to elect presidents and representatives. After all, in some Arab Gulf countries, there is also a parliament, albeit one with a ceremonial role. We too can adopt such practices and spare ourselves unnecessary hassle.”


Former Iranian-Owned Boeing Aircraft Successfully Returned to the United States

The Department of Justice today completed enforcement of a final order for forfeiture of a U.S.-manufactured Boeing 747 cargo plane, previously owned by Mahan Air, a sanctioned Iranian airline affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp-Qods Force (IRGC-QF), a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

On Feb. 11, the government of Argentina transferred physical custody of the aircraft to the United States pursuant to the final order of forfeiture, which was issued by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on May 3, 2023, which rests all rights, title, and interest in the aircraft in the United States of America. The Boeing 747 cargo plane arrived in the Southern District of Florida where it will be prepared for disposition.

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Maryam Rajavi Meets With Alain Néri and Michel Terrot

On the afternoon of Thursday, February 8, 2024, Mr. Alain Néri and Michel Terrot, two of the founders of the French Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID), met with the NCRI President-elect and held discussions.

Mr. Alain Néri, a former senator and vice president of the French National Assembly and one of the renowned figures of the Socialist Party, and Mr. Michel Terrot, a former representative of the French National Assembly from the Republican Party, were among the French legislators for nearly three decades. For many years, they have supported the goals of the National Council of Resistance of Iran and the People’s Mojahedin.

While welcoming them, Mrs. Rajavi expressed her appreciation for their years of support and cooperation with the Iranian Resistance. Explaining the escalating crises engulfing the regime, the NCRI President-elect highlighted how the mullahs have resorted to foreign wars to suppress potential domestic uprisings and evade their impending overthrow. As a result, they have plunged the region into a spiral of conflict and crisis. However, faced with the unwavering determination of the Iranian people and the Resistance, they have no choice but to succumb to overthrow.

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Around a Hundred People Gather in Brussels To Denounce Executions in Iran

Supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held a protest in Brussels’ Luxembourg Square on Saturday to draw attention to Iran’s increasing number of executions. Approximately one hundred people attended the rally, intending to raise awareness among European authorities about the “astronomical surge in executions” happening in the Middle Eastern country.

Protestors displayed portraits of victims fallen under the regime’s rule and called for a “free, democratic, secular, and non-nuclear Iran”.

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The Iranian Regime’s Malignant Behavior Necessitates a New Policy

The Iranian regime is intensifying its meddling in the Middle East. This action is not driven by strength, but rather by its weakness. On the one hand, it seeks to conceal its suppressive actions inside the region by engaging in war. This can be seen from the sham trial brought forward by the judicial authorities against more than 100 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). These fabricated charges pave the way for the regime to carry out further terrorist conspiracies against the Iranian Resistance, expand internal oppression and torture of dissidents, and pursue its conspiracies against the members of the resistance across the globe.

This was one of the main themes of a conference held in the British Parliament on January 31. Prominent members of the British Parliament, including former ministers and shadow government ministers, participated in this conference.

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The Reality of Unpaid Wages in Iran’s Labor Force

As the Persian calendar year draws to a close, numerous workers remain embroiled in disputes over unpaid wages owed by both private and government employers.

Faced with this ongoing issue, many workers across various sectors have taken to the streets in protest, demanding the timely disbursement of their overdue earnings.

The persistent problem of salary arrears has not only exacerbated workers’ financial hardships but also hindered their access to essential supplementary insurance services.

Compounding their woes, approximately 400,000 tomans per month, intended for supplementary insurance, are deducted from workers’ salaries.

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Escalating Migration Trends in Iran: Causes, Consequences, and Environmental Concerns

Reports from Iranian media outlets have highlighted a concerning trend: an uptick in migration from central regions to the northern provinces, prompting warnings about the potential ramifications of this phenomenon. As questions arise about the motivations behind this migration, concerns are raised about the living conditions that drive individuals to seek better opportunities elsewhere.

One prominent factor contributing to this migration wave is the issue of water scarcity, particularly affecting regions in central and eastern Iran. As resources dwindle and livelihoods become increasingly unsustainable, residents are compelled to seek refuge in areas where water remains more abundant.

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Iran’s Water Crisis Deepens: Reservoirs Plummet to Below 20% Capacity Amidst Winter

As Iran progresses through the first half of its water year and the rainy seasons, alarming reports have surfaced regarding the precipitous decline in water reserves across 17 critical dams throughout the country. Despite the significant volume of 20.78 billion cubic meters stored within these dams, a mere 42% of their reservoir capacity is currently occupied, leaving a staggering 58% unfilled.

Of particular concern is the dire situation facing 17 of Iran’s most pivotal dams, where water reserves have plummeted to below 20%, translating to over 80% of their reservoirs lying empty. The severity of this crisis was underscored by Issa Kalantari, former head of the Environmental Protection Organization, who lamented the failure of decades of promises to restore Iran’s environment, leaving the nation devoid of vital water resources.

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Six Workers Die Every Day Due to Workplace Accidents in Iran

Although work-related accidents appear to be prevalent in Iran, accurate statistics on this issue are lacking. Unofficial figures suggest that between five and six workers succumb to fatal accidents daily, yet workplace safety remains inadequately addressed on a macroscopic level.

Moreover, comprehensive inspections of workshops are not conducted effectively, and factors such as profit-driven motives, outdated technology, and other priorities often overshadow the protection of human resources. Consequently, the frequency of work-related accidents continues to rise.

Individuals become trapped in coal mines, succumb to fires in oil companies, fall from scaffolding, endure extreme heat in industrial areas like Asaluyeh, or perish in steel factories. According to official statistics from the regime’s Ministry of Labor in 2022, over 700 individuals lost their lives due to work-related accidents, averaging two fatalities every working day.

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Iranian Judiciary Sentences Armita Pavir to Prison for Her Political Activism

The regime’s Revolutionary Court sentenced a university student, Armita Pavir, to prison for her political activities. Armita Pavir, a student of cellular and molecular biology, was sentenced to a total of 22 months and 17 days in prison on charges of “spreading propaganda against the state”, and “insulting the leadership and authorities”, by the Azarshahr Revolutionary Court in northeastern Iran.

Armita Pavir was arrested on September 21, 2023, and is currently in the Central Prison of Tabriz under mental torture and severe restrictions. She has denied the charges brought against her but has refused to express remorse to receive amnesty.

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Annual Inflation Rate For Housing In Tehran Surpasses 82%

The Research Center of the Iranian Regime’s Parliament (Majlis) announced in August 2023 that various government initiatives in the Islamic Republic to reduce housing prices have failed. The latest official report from the Iranian regime indicates that the surge in housing prices in Tehran continues, with the annual inflation rate for residential apartments in this city reaching 82.8% in January. The Statistical Center of Iran, affiliated with the Organization of Planning and Budget, declared on February 12 that the monthly housing inflation rate in Tehran for January 2024 was 2.2%. The center mentioned that the average price of sold residential apartments in the capital of Iran has reached 806.1 million rials per square meter (approximately $1,450).

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Call to Save Political Prisoner Mohammad Javad Vafaei Thani

The life of Mohammad Javad Vafaei Sani, a 28-year-old supporter of the PMOI and a prisoner of the 2019 uprising, is in danger after being previously sentenced to death by the regime’s revolutionary court in Mashhad. He was tortured for several months and detained in Mashhad’s Vakil Abad prison. He was eventually handed down an execution sentence for “corruption on Earth” by Branch Four of the Mashhad Revolutionary Court.

‌Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM), human rights experts, activists, legislators, and politicians from across the world are calling on the international community to intervene and stop the imminent execution of Mohammad Javad Vafaei-Thani.


Also, read Iran News in Brief – February 12, 2023

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