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HomeIran News NowKhamenei cronies urge Rafsanjani to quit politics

Khamenei cronies urge Rafsanjani to quit politics

NCRI – Former Iranian regime’s president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani must not be allowed to stand as a candidate, a close ally of the Supreme Leader has said.

The comments from senior cleric Jaafar Shajooni to the state-run Javan newspaper on May 6 further expose the ever-widening rifts between the regime’s ruling elite.

Shajooni said: “Recently the Intelligence Ministry also said that the person who claims to have predicted the sedition (in 2009) in fact launched the sedition himself.

“Today they are continuing with their plans to form the 2013 sedition. For this reason I believe that Rafsanjani must be disqualified.

He added: “I openly tell Mr Hashemi to become a candidate in this round of the elections so that his retirement is sealed and signed forever. ”

Another senior cleric Mehdi Taeb, the head of the plain clothes agents of Iranian regime’s IRGC, branded Rafsanjani as ‘absolutely ignorant’ and ‘frightened’, and said: “The 2009 sedition had been plotted for years and was aimed at diverting the government from its goals

“The conspiracy was not against Ahmadinejad, and at the time Rafsanjani did not oppose this sedition.”

Asked what would happen if Rafsanjani stood as a candidate, Taeb said it would ‘make no difference’ either way.

He said: “The fact is people have long forgotten Mr Hashemi’s ideas. I believe that Hashemi has no place in today’s political atmosphere.”