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HomeIran News NowKhamenei and Ahmadinejad's public war of words on brink of sham elections

Khamenei and Ahmadinejad’s public war of words on brink of sham elections

Khamenei said of Ahmadinejad: ‘Stop fueling anxiety among the population’

NCRI – In a thinly-veiled reference to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei warned in his speech on Saturday (April 27, 2013) that people ‘should not stir up trouble’ and ‘should avoid fuelling anxiety and fear among the people’. Khamenei added: “Some comments that have been made recently are truly inappropriate.

His remarks were clearly directed at Ahmadinejad, who has been openly criticizing the regime’s rulers in speeches across Iran, saying his ‘hands are tied’ and he has ‘weights tied to his legs’ as he tries to solve the country’s many problems.

Ahmadinejad also threatened to block the elections altogether if his favorite candidate is not approved to stand.

Responding to the threat Khamenei, has said: “The election procedure in Iran is very rigid and voting will take place as scheduled.”

Ahmadinejad has also made frequent threats to ‘reveal the truth’ about Khamenei’s faction if his favored candidate is not approved.

In response to threats made by rival factions, Ahmadinejad said recently: “They sent a message that if one particular person becomes too arrogant, he will be dealt with seriously. They promised confrontation, and that if they revealed only a part of truth about that person, they would be rejected by the Iranian people.”

And in reference to Khamenei, the president said: “Some people think they have been chosen, and have descended from the skies, that they make every decision for the people, and whatever they say must be carried out. This is not so at all.” (State-run ‘Asre-iran’ daily, 22 April 2013).

On an earlier occasion, he also said: “Some people believe it is for the leader to choose where a candidate can stand for election or not. It is none of his business. It is the people that decide.” (State-run ISNA news agency, 11 April 2013).

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 28, 2013