Iran’s Regime Executes a Prisoner, Confirming How It Prioritizes Its Security Over People’s Lives Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Prisoners in the Iranian regime's prisons are at risk of contracting the coronavirus due to the regime's criminal negligence, which has led to several riots in the country's prisons.
Prisoners in the Iranian regime’s prisons are at risk of contracting the coronavirus due to the regime’s criminal negligence, which has led to several riots in the country’s prisons.

The Iranian regime executed Mostafa Salimi, a prisoner who had escaped during the Saqqez prison rebellion, on April 11. The execution of this rebellious prisoner, along with dozens of riots in different Iranian prisons, debunk the regime’s bogus claims of caring for people’s lives.

According to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) the coronavirus fatality has surpassed 26,200 as of Sunday 

new series of documents revealed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which belong to the regime’s so-called “The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Security Forces (SSF),” shows the regime’s intention of increasing suppression of prisoners and its ultimate fear of the riots.

“According to instructions, it is emphasized that in order to control the situation and manage the said locations on in the field, Special Units stationed in the provinces should be under the operational control of the provincial SSF command without any restrictions,” the document adds, “In order to prevent any surprises, constantly monitor the news and information on social media and otherwise to acquire intelligence awareness and take the necessary and precautionary measures to prevent any disorder and disruptive security issues in prisons.”

While the regime continues its brutality in dealing with the prisoners, the continuation of prison break outs and prisoners’ rebellions, despite the regime’s utmost readiness and mobilization after the first and second cases, shows that the regime’s control and administration system in the prisons has been shaken. In addition, the factors that forced the prisoners to risk their lives and confront armed forces are the same for ordinary people. These factors, including maximum economic pressure and oppression along with the deadly coronavirus, spread by the mullahs’ regime, have made the Iranian society explosive.

Coronavirus outbreak a security threat to the regime

For the Iranian regime, the coronavirus outbreak is more of a security threat than a social or medical crisis. The regime is neither capable, due to its institutionalized corruption and need for funding terrorism, nor willing to help the Iranian people to fight the coronavirus. It intends to use the coronavirus outbreak as a measure of oppression, and a weapon to massacre Iranian people. The decision by the regime’s president, Hassan Rouhani, to send people back to work confirms that the regime is not willing to help people and since the coronavirus outbreak has created an economic crisis for the regime, the mullahs prioritize having money in their pocket over containing the coronavirus outbreak.

Following the nationwide Iran protests in November, and January, with people calling for regime change and after the unprecedented general boycott of the regime’s parliamentary elections in February, the regime has realized that its conflict with people has reached an irreversible point and the next nationwide uprising, due to the regime’s domestic weakness, infighting and international isolation would result in its downfall. Therefore, any social crisis, particularly at a nationwide level, such as the coronavirus outbreak if not oppressed, will result in a popular uprising.

In such circumstances, the inmates’ rebellions should be considered in line with the national demand for regime change, therefore a security and existential threat to the regime. The regime is in a deadlock. According to the Iranian Resistance, releasing prisoners and ending torture and execution even for one day would lead to the regime’s downfall. On the other hand, further detention and oppression would only prepare the ground for another popular uprising, which this time, given the regime’s unstable situation, would end in its downfall.

Ms. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI’s President-elect, has repeatedly called for an international fact-finding mission to be sent to the regime’s prisons, to investigate the situation of prisoners, especially the missing, the injured, and the sick. Mrs. Rajavi also called on the families, relatives, and friends of the prisoners not to ignore the situation of these prisoners and continue their campaign until the prisoners’ unconditional release. The regime must release them all, and that is the only way to save them from Coronavirus infection.


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