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Iran’s Regime Corruption Puts The Economy On Free Fall In New Persian Year Of 1400

Iran Long lines for purchasing poultry

Saturday, March 21, marked the New Persian Year of 1400. Despite mullahs’ claims, Iran’s economic crisis will deepen in the new year, and people have to endure this pressure. This economic pressure is due to the regime’s actions, and of course, has social consequences.

On Tuesday, Jahan-e Sanat daily wrote an article titled “super inflation of 1400 is on its way.”

“Economic and social crisis has driven the country to a dangerous point. If [authorities] do not act quickly to control and manage these crises. In that case, the country will enter an irreversible path,” Jahan-e Sanat wrote, quoting one of the regime’s economists, Mohsen Rannani.

“In [the Persian Year of] 1399, the government was an uninvited guest of people and the private sector. In other words, the government sat at the people’s table and took what it lacked from the people’s table; Both direct and indirect,” Jahan-e Sanat article adds, quoting Hassan Jalalpour, former chairman of the Kerman Chamber of Commerce.

Iranian people are facing skyrocketing prices and are unable to make their ends meet. Due to the regime’s institutionalized corruption and wrong economic policies, the inflation rate is rising, affecting prices of people’s basic needs.

“We are now witnessing skyrocketing process. During the Nowruz holidays, poultry became scarce and more expensive. The price of other essential goods is skyrocketing. These skyrocketing prices will cause social harm,” wrote the state-run Eghtesd-e Pouya daily on Tuesday.

“Iran’s economy is entangled in microeconomic destabilization. The worst problem of this crisis is the rampant inflation rate,” wrote the state-run Eghtesad news on Monday, April 5.

Recently, Abdolnasser Hemati, Iran’s Central Bank Chief, announced the government had done banknote printing to compensate for its budget deficit. Banknote printing increases the liquidity, and like a domino, the inflation rate and prices of goods increase. The regime has claimed it will control the inflation rate. But would this be possible?

“If we were able to experience single our low double-digit inflation rates, it was because of massive imports, keeping the exchange rate artificially low and accepting microeconomics damages,” wrote the state-run Eghtesad news on Monday. “This means further damage to Iran’s economy and the power of production,” Eghtesad news added.

While the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called 1400 the year of “Production support and the elimination of obstacles,” due to his regime’s institutionalized corruption, many Iranian factories and industrial units are ruined.

“According to Mohammad Shariatmadari, the former Minister of Industry and Trade and current Minister of Labor, currently we have 50,000 quadrillion tomans [around $1.9 trillion at free-market exchange rate] of assets of production units left due to their closure,” wrote the state-run ILNA news agency on Monday. “There are also 10,000 production units buried in the country, and even their signboards have been turned into scrap metal,” ILNA added.

Many Iranian factories are closing due to the regime’s so-called “privatization plan.” The regime used Article 44 of its constitution to hand over large parts of Iran’s economy to the “private sector,” acting as a façade for the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

The regime is about to pass the “Public-Private Partnership Bill” as part of its 1400 budget bill. The [plans] is a sensitive, complex, and corrupting one. It is clear that the beneficiaries, by carefully designing the decision to choose the marketable plan, pricing, buyer selection, cash conditions, and installments, are left to six people,” wrote the state-run Mashreq news on November 1, 2020, adding that “The selection of these people is also a sign of corruption. The investigation shows that two employees of the Program and Budget Organization, who are relatives of some members of parliament, act as policymakers. They have designed the puzzles and sides of the public-private partnership bill to achieve their interests and goals. That is, they should also benefit from legislation in the position of beneficiaries (private sector).”

“[Public-Private Partnership] Bill will create a corruption capacity of nearly 1560 quadrillion tomans [around $61 billion] which is four times more the total corruption of 30 years of post-Iran-Iraq war privatization plan,” wrote the state-run Sharq on Monday, quoting Mohsen Rannani.

“The Court of Auditors reported that up to 68% of corruption has occurred [during the beginning of the privatization plan]. For example, in one case, the Moghan Animal Husbandry, a project whose real value was 4,000 billion tomans was estimated at 1,800 billion tomans,” Rannani said. He added that within 28 years, the regime’s officials plundered “374 quadrillion tomans,” or around $14 billion with the current dollar exchange rate at Iran’s free market.

Farshad Momeni, another Iranian economist, in an interview with the state-run ILNA News Agency on March 31, had estimated that the corruption capacity is “nearly two quadrillion tomans,” or around $79 billion.

In addition to plundering people and devastating Iran’s economy, the regime also auctions public assets using the Public-Private Partnership Bill.

“Under this bill, all types of public assets can be shared [handed over to] to the private sector,” Rannani said on Monday.


World powers are trying to revive the nuclear talks with the regime. Western companies are eager to use Iran’s market and establish a “mutual economic partnership” with Iran and the so-called “private sector.” While regime apologists claim these financial relations will help Iranian people, the facts above show that all the money would end up in the hand of IRGC or vanish in the regime’s black hole of corruption.
