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HomeIran News NowIranian regime's MP attacks Guardian Council chairman

Iranian regime’s MP attacks Guardian Council chairman

• Minister of Intelligence threatens to suppress rival faction’s press
• IRGC holds anti-riot drill

NCRI – On Saturday May 18, Ali Motahari, MP, in an unprecedented attack on Ahmad Jannati, the head of Guardian Council, described his Friday Prayers sermon in Tehran this week as “absurd”, “irrational” and “demagogic”.

Referring to Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Jannati had said a president should not commute with a Mercedes or have (expensive) house.

On the other hand, while the infighting within the regime takes a new dimension every day, Heydar Moslehi, Minister of Intelligence of the regime called “media conspiracy” as the greatest danger facing the advancement of the elections.

Moslehi said: “Conspiracies of enemies for presidential elections have begun …. but all of them will be thwarted. Everyone is prepared to deal with these movements”, he said. (State-run Fars News Agency – May 15)

Meanwhile, a security brigade known as “al-e-Mohammad”, affiliated with greater Tehran’s IRGC, fearful of social upheavals during the election and in order to suppress any protest, started a drill on May 14.

In published images of this drill, scores of Guards on motorcycles and on foot with different types of weapons can be seen.

The brigade, established on Khamenei’s order and comprising of 4500 revolutionary guards and basijis, is among the so-called “Mohammad Rasoul-allah” corps that have been formed for maintaining the security of greater Tehran and has had a major role in suppressing 2009 uprising.

Revolutionary Guard commander Brigadier General Hassan Hassanzadeh, commander of the brigade, said about the duties of his brigade: “Any threat to the regime in the capital is part of our mission to deal with.”
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 19, 2013

