Iran Regime’s Fear Of “Iran- Focused” Conference in Poland

Iran Regime's Fear of U.S. Plan to Host An "Iran- Focused" Conference in Poland

It has only been 4 days since the U.S. secretary of state announced the upcoming conference in Poland’s capital, Warsaw. Which is planned to be held on 14th and 15th of February by US, and many other countries, but despite the efforts of the Iranian regime to downplay this event, its media platforms expose an actual fear.

Regime’s hasty reactions to this conference

Some examples are:

– On January13th, Iran regime’s Foreign Ministry summoned the Polish chargé d’affaires to lodge a formal complaint about the upcoming conference.

– The polish film Festival in Tehran was suspended.

– The deputy of Iran’s foreign ministry, i.e., Araghchi, threatened to destroy the polish graveyard (which has been in Tehran since 1942).

These extreme reactions show just how frustrated the regime is.

Poland’s conference could be a beginning of a new global union

According to Pompeo, tens of countries are going to be attending this conference, from Asia, Africa, Europe, and Middle East; and that “the conference is going to focus on the stability of the Middle East and issues revolving around peace, safety, and freedom; and on ensuring that Iran will not be a destabilising force in the region”.

The regime has always been interfering with regional affairs as evident by its terrorist activities or threats of nuclear power and so forth; which is why U.S. is going to face it.

According to the predictions of political pundits, many countries are going to be present in this conference. Moreover, US knows that by holding the conference in Europe, European countries will be forced to choose a side; it’s expected that many will support U.S. over the religious and terrorist dictatorship of Iran. Which is exactly why the regime is very fearful now.

The consequences of Poland’s conference

The final resolutions of the conference will remain to be seen; but even if it bears no practical implications, the mere political significance of it will be of prodigious importance since:

– The appeasement front will be enfeebled, with a probable split among European countries in their policies towards the Iranian regime.

– The regime will become more isolated than ever, especially in the Middle East region.

– And finally the resulting consequences of the aforementioned situation will reinforce both sanctions and political backing for U.S. position.

On January 12th, Washington’s special representative for Iran (i.e., Brian Hook) announced in Abu Dhabi that U.S. will no longer grant ay waivers to other countries, for Iran’s oil sanctions.

Clearly, the US is not relying on other countries for its sanctions and other approaches against Iran. What US really needs at this stage, is the political support of other countries.

Poland’s conference and the future of Europe

It is questionable that contrary to recent Rouhani government’s enthusiasm over the European Special purpose vehicle initiative for trade with Iran, these days the regime officials are continuously expressing desperateness against Europe by stating they have no hope in EU countries anymore! What is so unnerving about the Poland’s conference which has caused this much panic inside the regime?

In fact upcoming conference must be seen in light of current national and international conditions and constant changes in balance of power against the regime which is also significantly weakened as a result of ongoing nationwide protests and uprising.

The role of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in balance of power

The global position of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and NCRI has continuously escalated in importance as American and some European politicians clearly stress over the role of the Iranian people in their official positions especially along with ongoing eviction of the regime’s Diplomat- Terrorists from many European countries.
Also the regime itself admits to it in its media, in a different way, for instance the state run Arman newspaper, recently published an article (January 13th, 2019) stating:
“According to our prediction, very few countries will attend this conference and Trump will not achieve what he had previously planned. Other interventions (of NCRI) will also lack political or security significance; and even if they (NCRI) attend the conference it will have negative effects for the U.S and Europeans!

Reiterating the importance of this conference in another article, the newspaper writes: “if the confess clearly declares that its purpose is uniting the opposition and destabilizing our government, the organizers could be in legal trouble and can be questioned by Iranian institutions including the Foreign Ministry; because they’d be violating the United Nations charters.

Where the NCRI stands

On January 12th Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the president elect of the Iranian Resistance announced:

On behalf of the Iranian Resistance, which has called for an arms and oil embargo against the mullahs’ religious dictatorship since 1981, the President-elect of the NCRI for the transitional period of transferring sovereignty to the people of Iran, reiterated the need to take the following steps:

1. Recognition of the Iranian people’s right to resistance to overthrow the mullahs’ religious fascism and achieve freedom;

2. Designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) as a whole as terrorist entities by the U.S. State Department and the European Union;

3. Expulsion of the mullahs’ intelligence agents and mercenaries of the terrorist Qods Force from the U.S. and Europe;

4. Referring the dossier of human rights violations in Iran to the UN Security Council after 65 United Nations censures;

5. Supporting the referral of the dossier of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran to international tribunals;

6. Ouster of the mullahs’ illegitimate regime from the UN and recognition of representation by the Iranian people’s just Resistance;

7. Decisive expulsion of Iran’s ruling religious fascism and its forces from Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and Afghanistan;

8. Compelling the government of Iraq to pay compensation for the properties, equipment, arms and camps the PMOI/MEK and the National Liberation Army of Iran (NLA), which had fully paid for them and whose evidentiary documents are available.

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