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Italian Senate conference rips rights abuses in Iran


International conference on human rights at the Italian Senate condemns violation of human rights and suppression of the Iranian people by the clerical dictatorship

NCRI – The second international conference, entitled “Universality of Human Rights for the transition towards the Rule of Law and the affirmation of the Right to Know”, was held on Monday, July 27, in the Italian Senate in an initiative by the Nonviolent Radical Party in cooperation with the two societies of “Hands off Cain” and “No Peace Without Justice”.

In this conference held at the Italian Senate in Rome in the Defense Committee Room, Benedetto Della Vedova, Undersecretary for Italian Foreign Affairs; Giulio Terzi, former Italian Foreign Minister; Marco Pannella, historical leader of the Radical Party and one of the most prominent Italian politicians; Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Prime Minister of Algeria; Marou Amadou, the Nigerian Minister of Justice; Jamal Ali Jassim Buhassan, Bahraini parliamentarian; and Najima Tay Tay, former Minister of Education of Morocco, participated and offered speeches.

On behalf of the Iranian Resistance, a delegation headed by Mr. Shahin Gobadi took part in this conference.

Numerous ambassadors and diplomatic delegations in Rome, including the Moroccan, Turkish, Bulgarian and Hungarian ambassadors, as well as international analysts and representatives of think tanks and human rights activists were also present.

Mr. Terzi, former Italian Foreign Minister, emphasized on the need to confront the Iranian regime’s interference in the Middle East, pointing out that in the recent days the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei had adamantly insisted upon Tehran’s role in the region. Mr. Terzi condemned the West’s turning a blind eye to the extensive violation of human rights in Iran, adding that Amnesty International has spoken of the horrfic situation of human rights in Iran and the innumerable executions recently taking place in Iran. Reports by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon have also expressed alarm at the high number of executions in Iran, so why is the West silent, he asked.

He stressed that economic interests have led to closing the eyes by the West on human rights violations in Iran and this regime’s extensive meddling in the region. He expressed alarm regarding this ignorance.

Italian Senator Luigi Compagna, another speaker to the conference, reminded of his participation in the Iranian Resistance’s annual rally in Paris on June 13 and said: A few weeks ago I attended the Iranian Resistance’s meeting in Paris along with Mr. Stango and Mr. Terzi. There was a very huge crowd there representing the Iranian people. This was a microcosm of the future Iran without the mullahs.

He then noted the escalation of executions in Iran under the rule of the mullahs and condemned the extensive violation of human rights by the mullahs’ dictatorship and expressed his solidarity with the struggle of the Iranian people for freedom.

Mr. Jamal Ali Jassim Buhassan, a Member of Parliament from Bahrain, stated that imposing restrictions and pressure on members of the main Iranian opposition group PMOI (MEK) residing in Camp Liberty, Iraq, by the Iranian regime’s proxies and elements in Iraq is also a case of violation of human rights by this regime. He accentuated on focusing on the Iranian regime’s broad intervention in the region and said: The Iranian and Arab people have a common enemy, and that is the Iranian regime; the crisis of sectarianism appeared in the region only after Khomeini came to power in 1979.

The Bahraini parliamentarian stressed that the root cause of regional problems is the clerical regime and its interventions in the region.

Prime Minister Sid Ahmed Ghozali and Antonio Stango, President of the Italian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, also condemned the widespread violation of human rights in Iran and Iranian regime’s meddling in the region.

Mr. Shahin Gobadi, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, explained the reasons for the regime’s retreat in its nuclear weapons projects and then offered statistics on the situation of human rights in Iran in the two years of Rouhani’s term in office with over 1800 executions. The NCRI representative stipulated that the situation of human rights in Iran is deteriorating fast with the regime finding no other recourse but to increase its suppression in the face of social upheavals and protests.

Mr. Gobadi emphasized that absent public stances by European politicians regarding the broad violation of human rights in Iran as an integral part of their trips to Tehran, the mullahs will be emboldened in their suppression of the Iranian people.

The representative of the Iranian Resistance finished his remarks by referring to the grand gathering of the Iranian Resistance on June 13 in Paris and said: The Iranian people have demonstrated their will for regime change as the sole viable solution to save the region from its current situation.

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