Iran State Media Warn About “Dangerous Situation”


Protests have been spanning across Iran daily. During the recent protests in Isfahan, people who had initially started the protests by demanding their social rights began chanting political slogans. Iran’s state media have sensed society’s restiveness and have acknowledged this fact in recent days.

The current wave of dissent across Iran is due to the years of the regime’s corruption, oppressing people, and mismanagement. As a result, economic and social problems have accumulated to the point of explosion.

“The situation in Iranian society has deteriorated due to the officials’ mismanagement, especially from the ninth to the twelfth government. The economic situation has become much worse than in the mid-2000s,” wrote the state-run Jahan-e Sanat daily on December 2.

“Thus, a large part of the middle class has become poor. Class differences are now so deep that this gap has affected the spirit of society,” Jahan-e Sanat adds.

“Since 2009, there have been many protests. These protests were either peaceful or violent. The social class involved in each protest differed from the other,” Jahan-e Sanat wrote on November 28.

“We had the middle class [protests] in 2009 after [sham] elections, then the frustrated poor people who protested in November 2019 after the increase of fuel prices. Recently we had the protest rallies and strike of farmers in Isfahan, a traditional section of society that had not protested before,” Jahan-e Sanat wrote.

The article adds that if the regime fails to address the people’s demands, “the situation will become more sensitive.” “If these changes do not take place and the satisfaction of the lower class, especially in the field of economy and livelihood, is not provided, the situation will become more sensitive. We now see that the protesters include teachers, workers, the lower classes, and other walks of life. This means that people are aware [of the regime’s misdeeds]. This is dangerous if their demands are not fulfilled.”

“This change must be carefully studied because experts believe that it indicates the sensitivity of the situation and necessarily raises the question of how to deal with the protesters,” the article adds, calling the current social situation in Iran “dangerous.”

Jahan-e Sanat then acknowledges that the regime cannot address people’s demands, so it would certainly resort to more oppression.

“No ruler allows protests to advance more than a certain limit. The system is not unaware of the extent of dissatisfaction. But this is not the way to solve the problem. Protests have accelerated since 2009. In 2018, 2019, and now in 2021, we witnessed protests again. In other words, the period of protests becomes wider and more pervasive,” Jahan-e Sanat writes.

The Iranian people are under unbearable economic and social pressures. “The increasing inflation, which is now over %50, has affected people’s lives. More families become poor every day,” wrote the state-run Ebtekar daily on November 28.

While many commentators blame international sanctions as the reason for the Iranian people’s financial problems, state media acknowledged that people are suffering since the regime has been wasting national wealth on its malign activities.

A government-affiliated expert acknowledged on Saturday that Tehran had wasted $2 trillion of national wealth on its nuclear program. “It is estimated that the cost of the nuclear program should be estimated at between 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars. It seems that the initial assessment by the Budget and Planning Organization’s expert was not far from reality,” the state-run Arman daily wrote on Saturday, quoting Hanizadeh. “In fact, the root of the misunderstandings of foreign powers regarding the nuclear program goes back to the fact that there is no economic justification [for the regime to pursue a nuclear program.].”

In a study published in 2018, the U.S. Treasury Department estimated that the mullahs’ regime provides $700 million annually. Hezbollah’s Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah, in 2016 said: “Hezbollah’s budget, everything it eats and drinks, its weapons, and rockets, comes from the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

The Iranian people are fully aware of the regime’s malign activities that have plagued their lives and country. Therefore, protests are spreading across Iran. The Iranian regime can no longer oppress these protests or deceive people. Once the regime oppresses a protest or an uprising, another unrest begins.

As described by Iran’s state media, this situation is “dangerous” for the regime and a real threat to its grip on power.

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