Iran: Six Executed in Gohardasht, Qayen, and Ardabil Prisons Yesterday

Iran under the mullahs’ regime has the highest number of executions per capita in the world

Ten hanged in five days 31 executed since November 22

Yesterday (Wednesday, December 15), the clerical regime executed six prisoners in Gohardasht (Karaj), Qayen, and Ardabil prisons. Hamed Mousavi, Kourosh Mazaheri, Davood, and another prisoner were hanged in Gohardasht, Mohammad Khodaei in Ardabil, and Ali Nehtani (Nourzehi) in Qayen prisons.

On Sunday, December 12, a young prisoner, named Mohammad Tazehkar, was hanged in Meshkinshahr, two prisoners, named Bakhtiar Sarmadi and Hossein Heidarzadeh, were hanged in Adelabad Prison in Shiraz. On Saturday, December 11, Sivan Hosseini (35) was hanged in Sanandaj Prison. These brought to 10, the number of prisoners executed in the last five days. Since the beginning of the current Iranian month (November 22), the regime has hanged 31 prisoners, including five women, in different prisons.

Engulfed by internal and external crises and fearing an uprising by the outraged people, the religious fascism ruling Iran, has found the only solution in stepping up repression, torture, and executions. This is one of the primary missions of Ebrahim Raisi, the henchman of the 1988 massacre. This regime is a disgrace to contemporary humanity and should be shunned by the international community. Its dossier of four decades of crimes against humanity and genocide Iran must be referred to the UN Security Council, and its leaders must be brought to justice.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
December 16, 2021

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