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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceWorld must wake up to human rights abuses in Iran: Mark Williams...

World must wake up to human rights abuses in Iran: Mark Williams MP


Speaking at a meeting of a cross-party delegation of British lawmakers with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, on Friday in Paris, Mr. Mark Williams, a Member of Parliament from the United Kingdom, urged policy makers in the West to listen to the Iranian Resistance’s warnings about human rights violations taking place in Iran.

“The world needs to wake up to the human rights violations in Iran,” he said.

“I would suggest to decision makers around the world that they take note of the wise warnings of the PMOI [the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran – MEK] and Madam Maryam Rajavi, because so many of their warnings in the past have been borne out by historical subsequent facts,” he added.

They “warned what would happened in Camp Ashraf. We warned the peaceable democrats fighting for freedom in Ashraf would be violated by the Iraqis and [Nuri] Maliki and the Iranian agents. That happened.”

He was referring to several deadly attacks on members of the Iranian opposition group PMOI (MEK) in Camp Ashraf, Iraq, by the government of former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Maliki at the behest of the mullahs’ regime in Iran.

They “warned about what would happen to Camp Liberty; that is what has happened and what is happening,” he added, referring to several deadly missile attacks on Camp Liberty in Baghdad, where PMOI (MEK) members were later moved.

They “warned about nuclear proliferation [by Iran’s regime]. That too has happened.”

“I just want to say one word, one other warning that the world must wake up to… The world needs to wake up to the human rights violations in Iran” he said.

On the upcoming elections in Iran, Mr. Williams said: “Don’t get excited by the Iranian elections in the month ahead. Because however the regime tries to characterize it, they are not about democracy; they are sham elections. Sham elections have characterized the last 37 years of dictatorship [in Iran].”

He said the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) “is a major movement representing the case for democratic change in Iran.”

He reminded the audience of the 10-point plan for the future of Iran presented by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and pledged his support for the establishment of democracy in Iran.

Quoting the 10-point plan he said:

“From our point of view the ballot box is the sole criteria for legitimacy. We seek a republic based on universal suffrage.

“We want a pluralist system, freedom of parties and assembly.

“In the Iran of tomorrow, we will respect all individual freedoms. Expression of opinion, speech and the media would be completely free, and any censorship or inquisition is banned.

“In the Iran of tomorrow, we support and are committed to the abolition of the death penalty.

“The Iranian Resistance is committed to the separation of Church and State. Any form of discrimination against the followers of all religions and denominations will be prohibited.

“We want a modern legal system based on the principles of presumption of innocence.

“We are committed to the Universal Declaration of Humans Rights, international covenants and conventions, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Convention Against Torture.”