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World must not appease Iran – but end its decades of oppression, British peer urges


NCRI – The world must bring an end to the decades of oppression and injustice under the mullahs ruling Iran, a conference in Paris was told.

Everyone in Iran responsible for the execution of political prisoners, the stonings, oppression of the population and other human rights abuses should be brought before the International Criminal Court, Lord Alex Carlile, Co-chair of the Britain Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom, said.

He also blamed the West for failing to protect the residents of Camp Liberty but praised Albania for being one of the few countries that has stepped in to accept residents and aid their plight.

He said: “If anyone has failed the people of Camp Liberty, so has the British Government. And we all share that responsibility and it is a deep responsibility.

“One of the things about visiting Albania is paying tribute to the incredible work which is being done by the Albanian Government, while other governments in Europe have half, a quarter, or perhaps an eighth of the conscience of the Albanian government about Camp Liberty.”

And he said of the tyranny under the mullahs in Iran: “We must bring it to an end. And we have a right to expect our governments to bring it to an end.

“Every person hanged in Iran for their political beliefs, Every Person whose face, Every women whose face has been damaged because she wore the wrong sort of clothes, every person who has been stoned, hanged in public, beheaded, every one of those people has the right to believe that the perpetrators will be brought to justice in the international criminal court in due course.

“And my view is that we should already be presenting the case against those people in the International Criminal Court.”

He said also that the West does not need Iran to defeat ISIS.

He said: “We must destroy ISIS, but we must not do so by appeasement and at the moment I fear that is barely a western government that is not prepared to appease the mullahs.

“You cannot decouple human rights from negotiations about nuclear issues because it is a test about trust to say to them you must stop your human rights violations.

“If they are not prepared to stop their worst human right violations, they are not going to abandon their nuclear programme.

“And the other message we have to get across, which western governments seem strangely reluctant to accept, is that there is an alternative to the mullahs for Iran.”

Lord Alex Carlile said: Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s “Ten Point Plan set outs very simply and very clearly, that there can be a non-theocratic government for Iran in which men and women are equal, founded on democratic principles, with proper democratic institutions including a new constitution without abandoning any of the customs or principals of Iranian life.”

“I think that western leaders should recognize, and their government should recognize, that there is a government in exile which is ready to take Iran into a new democratic era, the moment they are given the opportunity.”