Widespread protests by Iranians against Iran’s Foreign Minister’s visit to Nordic countries

NCRI – Hundreds of supporters of the Iranian Resistance staged a demonstration in Oslo, Norway on Tuesday May 8 to protest against the visit to Norway by the Iranian Foreign Minister, Manouchehr Mottaki. He was involved in attempts to kidnap a leading Iranian dissident in Turkey and transfer him to Iran, when he was the Iranian Ambassador to Turkey in 1988.

At least 50 Iranian dissidents were kidnapped or assassinated in Turkey by Iranian secret agents often working closely with diplomats from Iran’s embassy and consulates from mid 80’s to early 90’s.

The demonstration was held outside the Norway’s Foreign Ministry. The representatives and members of  the Liberal Party’s youth section, Youth of the Progressive Party, youth wing of Christian Democratic Party, and Youth organization of Conservative Party of Norway attended the demonstration and supported its cause.

The demonstrators chanted slogans such as "Expel Mottaki from Norway,"  "Mottaki is a terrorist kidnapper and must be arrested." The demonstrators expressed their support for the recent protests by Iranian students, workers, and teachers in Iran.

Supporters of the Iranian Resistance staged a similar protest on Monday, May 7 in Stockholm, Sweden against the Iranian Foreign Minister’s visit to that country.

On Wednesday, May 9, hundreds of Iranians chanting slogans against Mottaki’s visit to Denmark demonstrated outside the Danish Foreign Ministry in Copenhagen.
Mr. Parviz Khazaii, the NCRI’s representative in Nordic countries delivered a speech during this gathering. He stated that Mottaki’s visit to Nordic countries was a failure and the Iranian regime did not reach its objectives in sending its Foreign Minister here. He also elaborated on a legal action the Iranian Resistance has initiated in Norway to prosecute Mottaki for his crimes against Iranian dissidents in Turkey.

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