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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceWhy Iran's Regime Has No Solution to Its Growing Crises

Why Iran’s Regime Has No Solution to Its Growing Crises

Nearly eight months into Iran’s nationwide uprising, it is necessary to understand the regime’s situation. Has the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, managed to control the restive society? Is there any solution for the ruling theocracy?  

The Iranian regime is rattled by crises. Due to the regime’s pervasive corruption and ineptitude, the country suffers from its worst economic crunch in a century.  

State media and officials acknowledge that Iran’s economy is in a dire state, with 50% inflation, plummeting national currency, high unemployment rates, and declining purchasing power driving more people below the poverty threshold, according to official reports. 

Moreover, the country faces a crisis of shortage of medicine, while the regime-affiliated mafia thrives from selling medications. “Take the shortage of medicine seriously, as medications are strategic products. The absence of medicine jeopardizes the lives of millions, mainly patients,” the state-run Taamol newspaper warned on April 29.  

The Iranian regime has no solution for these problems because it has created or intensified them.  

The aforementioned crises, coupled with the regime’s oppression, have exacerbated societal restiveness, thus precipitating an existential threat and impending downfall for the ruling clerics. The nationwide uprising that has persisted despite the clerical regime’s severe crackdown has laid bare the system’s vulnerability.  

Khamenei tried to consolidate power in his regime by selecting Ebrahim Raisi as president and handpicking members of parliament. Yet, he has failed so far, as Raisi’s government holds the record of cabinet changes since the 1979 revolution with three resignations, one impeachment, and two dismissals. In addition, the regime’s infightings have increased, forcing Khamenei to call for “unity” among heads of the branches.  

Thus, this situation represents the most significant predicament faced by the crisis-plagued regime.  

To hold their grip on power, the mullahs have tried to detract what many consider as a revolution in the making in Iran by promoting pseudo alternatives or speaking of “civil disobedience” as the only solution for regime change.  

The regime has tried to portray that the only alternative to the mullahs’ rule is returning to the previous dictatorship. But, the Iranian people’s unwavering determination to establish a secular republic, demonstrated in the slogan “Down with the oppressor, be it Shah or the Mullahs,” has foiled the regime’s plot.  

How would civil disobedience bear results in a country that lacks basic freedoms and people’s righteous demands are answered with bullets?  

In consequence, Tehran’s escalating international seclusion is becoming increasingly apparent, and there is a mounting clamor to designate its principal repressive entity, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), as a pariah organization while intensifying the pressure on the ruling theocracy. 

The Revolutionary Guards’ Financial Empire

In a nutshell, the Iranian regime is in a quagmire, devoid of viable remedies for the nation’s socio-economic turmoil. It is confronted with an outraged populace and a well-coordinated Resistance movement while simultaneously grappling with escalating global isolation. Moreover, it has been unable to dissuade the uprising from its intended path, rendering the regime’s predicament all the more hopeless. 

The Iranian people’s fortitude and resilience throughout centuries of subjugation and hardship have earned them a bright future ripe with opportunity and hope. Their unwavering commitment to this future is demonstrated by their willingness to make unimaginable sacrifices. The international community must now shoulder the responsibility of aiding the Iranian people in their pursuit of happiness by recognizing their rights to self-determination and self-defense.  

The regime’s impending downfall is evident, and to overlook this reality and continue negotiations with such an oppressive entity is to turn a blind eye to the people’s plight. It is time to increase the pressure on the regime and support the Iranian people’s righteous cause.