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West should learn the lesson of history and not give in to mullahs – Euro MP

NCRI – Addressing a press conference at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on December 12, Mr. Struan Stevenson, Scottish Euro MP warned western countries of the consequences of their continued policy of appeasement of the mullahs in Iran. He also congratulated Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for the victory of the Iranian Resistance at the European Court of First Instance which annulled the EU’s listing of the PMOI among terror groups. Here is the text of his speech: 

I like to add my congratulations to Mrs. Rajavi, the PMOI and the courageous and brave people in Camp Ashraf.

I attended the opening day of the Court of First Instance in February and was somewhat surprised to see that it was only the UK which had made the original application for the PMOI to be placed on the EU terror list. 

Following the failed appeasement policy of the then Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, who had visited Tehran on more occasions than any other capital in the world apart from Brussels and Washington, the Mullahs asked Straw and insisted that the PMOI should be placed on the EU terror-list and of course he acquiesced in his pursuit of appeasement to any price.

Now as Mrs. Rajavi has reported, we have this horrific holocaust denial conference taking place today in Tehran. Where people from the UK and from other EU countries have been invited to speak. Psychopaths, people who even the British National Party, Britain’s fascist party, deemed to be too extreme to allow to speak to them, have been invited to Tehran to address this conference. Because Ahmadinejad says that the holocaust is a propaganda tool, used by the Jews to justify the State of Israel. And that he supports freedom of speech, Ahmadinejad supports freedom of speech! This is news to me. And this is why he is hosting this disgraceful conference, but also taking place in Iran today and yesterday, Sergey Kirienko, the chief atomic expert from Russia, is over there, apparently undertaking trade cooperation talks. My understanding was that Trade Ministers undertook trade cooperation talks, not top atomic scientists. And if that is any indication of the way that Mr Putin is playing games with the west, I think this is a very dangerous escalation of what is happening over there.

The policy of appeasement has been an abject failure. We have seen Mrs. Rajavi highlighted the insurgency in Iraq is being fueled by resources, by manpower, by sophisticated weaponry supplied by Iran. They finance Hamas, they were the puppet masters behind the Hezbollah war in Lebanon against Israel.

They are the Cancer that is beginning to envelop the whole of the Middle East. And Mr. Blair who took us into this mess, together with his great friend Mr. Bush, his policy is now that we should talk to Iran.

Has he never learned the lessons of history? In 1938, Mr Chamberlin went to Munich and said to Hitler of course we would give you Czechoslovakia, in the name of peace in our time. Now Mr Blair is saying to the mullahs: Of course we will give you Iraq if we can have peace at any price. And this ludicrous policy will cause the kind of conflict that would envelope the entire Middle East and perhaps the entire world.

Yesterday, a thousand students at Tehran University rioted when Ahmadinejad went to their campus and tried to address them. They held up pictures of Ahmadinejad and set them on fire and shouted at him “You are a liar, a fraud and a dictator”, and he and his body guards had to run from that campus. Now he has accused these brave students of being agents of the American Imperialists. And assuredly the student leaders, if not all of them, will be hunted down, arrested, tortured and many of them will be executed by this regime that encourages freedom of speech.

So these are the brave people who need a focus in opposition. A focus that can be provided by Mrs. Rajavi and the PMOI and which was denied to them in the past because we ludicrously in the west handcuffed the PMOI by placing them on the EU terror list. That terror tag has been removed today. And a fantastic victory and I can only hope now we can move forward to the alternative to appeasement or military intervention and that alternative is backing the legitimate opposition. To throw out the fascist mullahs and to replace them with a secular democratic regime, observing human rights, women’s rights, and observing a humanitarian approach to democracy.