We must support the Iranian people and their resistance – U.S. Congressman

NCRI – Congressman Edolphus Towns, Democrat member of U.S. House of Representatives from New York, in a message to the gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris on June 28, 2008, expressed his support for the Third Option introduced by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance.  The Third Option dismisses war and the policy of appeasement toward the mullahs' regime in Iran and relies on the Iranian people and their organized resistance to bring democratic change in Iran.

Congressman Towns called on the U.S. government to seriously consider the recent British court's ruling on the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) that led to deproscription of the organization in UK, and removal of the restrictions that has been placed on the group. NCRI – Congressman Edolphus Towns, Democrat member of U.S. House of Representatives from New York, in a message to the gathering of 70,000 Iranians in Paris on June 28, 2008, expressed his support for the Third Option introduced by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance.  The Third Option dismisses war and the policy of appeasement toward the mullahs' regime in Iran and relies on the Iranian people and their organized resistance to bring democratic change in Iran.

Congressman Towns called on the U.S. government to seriously consider the recent British court's ruling on the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) that led to deproscription of the organization in UK, and removal of the restrictions that has been placed on the group.

Text of the message by Congressman Towns to the gathering follows:

It is my pleasure to address your gathering for democracy in Iran. It is a great pleasure to see so many thousands of you gathered to urge international support for the Iranian people and their just resistance.

I am delighted to join you to celebrate a big victory today. It is a great day for the Iranian people and their resistance. It was great to hear that UK government formally removed the Iranian opposition from the UK's terror list on Monday. This happened after many years of campaign by the organization.

Legislators approved the decision of the Proscribed Orgainzations Appeal Commission which ruled in May that the People's Mojahedin of Iran (MEK) should no longer be listed as a proscribed group.

The United Nations has condemned Iran 54 times for its atrocities human rights record. Inhumane treatment of youths, women and workers by the government of Iran is further evidence of the regime's intolerance. Iranian women have shown they play a pivotal role in establishing democracy and ensuring human rights in Iran.

Although many disagree with the current status of this war in Iraq, all agree that we must collectively work to stop Iranian-style fundamentalism from taking root in Iraq. Let me here recognize your actions in support of democracy in Iraq as well as in Iran.

Supporting your effort is especially important now that a number of British courts have affirmed the legitimacy of your resistance. The ruling of the British Appeal Court in May 2008 which exonerated the Iranian Resistance group, the MEK, from terrorist activity is a great victory for the cause of democracy in Iran. In light of the recent developments, the United States must seriously consider the court's findings and also remove the limitations it has placed on the MEK.

The world community must strengthen the sanctions on the clerical regime. It must also immediately recognize and support the Iranian Resistance as the democratic alternative to the regime in Iran.

The friends of Ashraf, here in the US Congress want the officials of Iraq to be committed to the international law and the rights of the residents of Ashraf City. Our support for the MEK is stronger as ever. All of us believe that freedom and democracy is the right of every man and woman. If these are not practiced in Iran, you have to bring them to Iran. Students, women, religious minorities are backing your noble effort in defense of freedom.

Today, the mullahs are increasingly using oppression inside and terrorism outside of Iran as a foreign policy tool. As Iranians, you know that extremists in Iran create and then reap the rewards of conflict. For this reason, they want the world to view our present options as either WAR or accepting the status quo. I, like my colleagues Chairman Bob Filner disagree. There is a third option.

The Third Option introduced by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi relies on the strength of the Iranian people and their organized resistance. This is the best and least costly alternative. Let us not continue to make the mistake of appeasing Iran. As a viable alternative, we must move to support the Iranian people and their resistance. Only you can bring about democratic change in Iran.

I have come to know you and appreciate your thirst for freedom. Rest assured that it is attainable. I wish you the best in your struggle for peace, freedom and democracy.

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