Vienna rally: Remove terror label from Iranian Resistance

NCRI – As the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency met on Thursday and Friday to decide whether to report Tehran to the U.N. Security Council over its secret program to acquire atomic bombs, hundreds of Iranians in their gathering in Vienna urged the body not to delay mullahs’ referral to the Security Council.


Supporters of the Iranian Resistance held a mass rally in front of the IAEA office on Thursday to demand tough measures against the clerical regime as it is getting closer and closer to nuclear weapons.

Demonstrators described rule of terror in Iran not just a threat to Iranians but also a major threat to the world security.

"European policy of conciliation with the clerical regime in Iran has given enough time to mullahs to advance their nuclear program," said an Iranian exile. "Many of their requirements were provided by Western companies which are only looking for lucrative trade with suppressive rulers in Iran," Hamid told a group of IAEA staff who were on the scene to express their sympathy with the rally.

Carrying a banner which read, "UN sanctions on mullahs NOW," Sima, a chemist from Tehran, told one journalist that if the world body does not act now it would be too late in a few months as mullahs’ regime has stepped up its clandestine nuclear activities to make an atom bomb. With a good knowledge of the mullahs’ nuclear program she added, "criminal mullahs have brutally suppressed Iranians and now they are trying to expand their ominous rule to the region and the world over. If they acquire nuclear weapons they would see no limit to their ambitions and no mercy for anyone." She underlined the importance of the Iranian Resistance’s activities as it is trying to curb a regime which is not just a threat to Iranians but also to the world security.

Others in the rally also conveyed similar messages as some held banners calling for the removal of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, main Iranian opposition to the religious dictatorship, from the EU’s terror list. They described the unjust listing of the opposition as a major obstacle to the Iranian people and their resistance to bring about democratic changes to Iran.

Parliamentarians from Europe and Euro MPs from different countries addressed the rally in support of the Iranian Resistance and its endeavors to rid the world of mullahs’ terrorist regime.

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