Video – Kennedy: Mullahs hijacked Iranian revolution brought terror and oppression

Patrick Kennedy speaks in Convention of Iranian CommunitiesThe 35th anniversary of the Iranian revolution is the best opportunity in a generation to bring democracy and freedom to the people of Iran, former US Congressman Patrick Kennedy has told a conference in Paris.

The ruling mullah’s hijacked the revolution and have brought nothing but ‘oppression, repression, imprisonment, torture and terrorism’, Mr Kennedy said at the Convention of Iranian Communities for Democracy on Saturday.

He told delegates: “That revolution stood for freedom. That revolution stood for democracy. That revolution stood for human rights.

“Instead of having a democracy, we have a system of government in Iran base on terrorizing not only its own people but terrorizing people throughout the world.

“The mullahs say that they want to be part of the international community. But we know the truth and that is the mullahs are only saying that because they are more unstable not only politically at home in Iran but they are more unstable politically around the world.

“That is why this is the opportunity to finally break with the past and move towards the future of a free and democratic Iran.”

He added: “So, the question is very clear. Whose side are you on? Are you on the side of a repressive regime that executes more of its people per capita than any other country in the world? Or you are on the side of a government that will be of the people and by the people and for the people.

“You cannot have it both ways. You cannot be for a peaceful use of nuclear power and the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. You cannot be for the peaceful coexistence of the world and the use of a nuclear program and be for genocide in Syria by supporting Assad.

“You cannot say that you are for transparency and disclosure and openness with your nuclear program and be murdering and massacring the people of Ashraf and taking seven hostages, six of whom are women. You cannot have it both ways.

“Nearly 25 years ago, my father chose side in a historic fight of that time and that was whether the United States was going to continue to support Apartheid in South Africa.

“My father stood with Nelson Mandela and the ANC just like today I stand with Madam Maryam Rajavi and the PMOI (MEK).

“My friends we are going to be deciding right now to support the Democratic Resistance against the mullahs not act with the demands of the mullahs. We are going to be standing with those who are fighting repression not siding with those who are executing repression.”

The US should now ensure that any agreement on a nuclear deal should also monitor Iran’s support for terrorism and the state of the seven hostages seized during last September’s Camp Ashraf massacre, Mr Kennedy said.

He told the convention: “When this historic time either to side with the past or the future is before us, I hope not only the United States but the international community will make the right choice, and that is to stand on the side of the people of Camp Ashraf and stand on the side of protecting the dream of freedom and that is why I’m always so proud to say ‘Man Irani Hastam’ (I am Iranian).

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