Victory of rule of law: US State Department finally moves to delist PMOI/MEK from FTO designation

Reports emerging from the US on removing the main democratic opposition to the mullahs’ regime in Iran, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), gives much reason to celebrate an unjustified burden on the Iranian opposition who wants to bring democratic change in Iran.

This designation from the onset was a futile act to appease the regime in Tehran. We congratulate all who fought hard, in legal and political battle, specially Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian resistance who spearheaded this campaign with diligence, and all residents of camps Ashraf and Liberty, who had gone through enormous pressures and two massacres due to this unjust label, on this victory.

The delisting removes one of the main obstacles in the path towards democratic change in Iran. The fact that the Iranian regime had always put suppression of PMOI by western powers as one of its criteria for negotiations speaks volume about the popular support for the movement. The delisting is a first step in correcting a wrong approach: appeasement has not worked in the past, is not going to work in the future.

This designation also provided the Maliki government in Iraq much needed excuse to launch two deadly attacks on Ashraf, killing close to 50 people and injuring hundreds of innocent, unarmed civilians of Ashraf. The price for the Iranian people and indeed for the security of the international community has been far greater than can be calculated.

As we stated following June 1st verdict of the US appeals court, the Iraqi government must also be put on notice that using this unwarranted and illegal designation to make life “intolerable” for Liberty residents can no longer continue. To this end, UN must formally declare camp Liberty a refugee camp. Ashraf movable and immovable property must be allowed to be either transferred to Liberty or sold in free market to purchaser who have an interest.

The US and other rule of law countries must recognize Iranian resistance, enabling it to lead a peaceful democratic change in Iran. The time is now.

Hon. David Kilgour, JD
Co-Chair, Ottawa


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