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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceUS Senate Resolution Aims to Protect Iranian Political Refugees in Albania

US Senate Resolution Aims to Protect Iranian Political Refugees in Albania


In a significant move, the United States Senate introduced Resolution 599 on March 20, 2024, focusing on the protection of Iranian political refugees, including former female political prisoners, residing in Ashraf-3 in Albania. The resolution, backed by Senators Thom Tillis, John Cornyn, Ted Cruz, John Boozman, Jeanne Shaheen, Chris Coons, and Cory Booker, aims to address the escalating threats posed by the Iranian regime.

The resolution highlights the increasing terrorism activities of the Iranian regime, the leading state sponsor of terrorism, which threaten regional peace and security. The Senate’s resolution condemns Tehran’s support for terrorist activities, threats to commercial shipping, and attacks on American forces.

The resolution emphasizes the following key points:

  1. Protection of Fundamental Rights: The Senate asserts that Iranian political refugees in Ashraf-3 in Albania must be afforded their fundamental rights, including freedom of expression and assembly, and the ability to engage in legal political activities in Albania.
  2. Condemnation of Iranian Actions: The resolution strongly condemns the Iranian regime’s threats and actions against Albania, including large-scale cyberattacks against Albania to pressure the Government of Albania to undermine or end its hosting of Iranian political refugees in Ashraf-3.
  3. Support from the US Government: The Senate calls for the US Government to take prompt and appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to help Albania ensure and uphold all fundamental rights of Ashraf-3 residents. This includes the right to life, liberty, security, protection of property, and freedom of expression and assembly.
  4. Opposition to Misuse of INTERPOL: The resolution strongly opposes the Iranian regime’s misuse of INTERPOL Red Notices to impose restrictions or seek the extradition of Iranian dissidents to Iran.
  5. Continued Cooperation: The resolution calls for ongoing close and regular cooperation between the US Government, the Government of Albania, and the residents of Ashraf-3 to ensure their complete protection and fundamental rights.

The Senate resolution also acknowledges the significant international support for the Iranian Resistance, particularly Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran, which advocates for democratic principles, gender equality, and a non-nuclear Iran. H.Res. 599 states that the plan has garnered support from over 3,600 parliamentarians worldwide and 125 former world leaders.

As the situation in Iran and the broader Middle East remains volatile, this resolution represents a critical step by the US Senate to safeguard the rights and security of Iranian political refugees in Albania, emphasizing the US commitment to human rights and international law.