US congressmen lend support to Anti-Ahmadinejad Rally in New York

NCRI – US congressmen from both Republican and Democratic parties declared support to anti-Ahmadinejad rally outside UN Headquarters in New York on Tuesday.

Edolphus Towns, William. Lacy Clay, Al Green, Joseph Crowley, Anthony D. Weiner, Sam Graves, Steve Israel, Vito J. Fossella, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, strongly condemned Ahmadinejad’s presence in New York.

NCRI – US congressmen from both Republican and Democratic parties declared support to anti-Ahmadinejad rally outside UN Headquarters in New York on Tuesday.

Edolphus Towns, William. Lacy Clay, Al Green, Joseph Crowley, Anthony D. Weiner, Sam Graves, Steve Israel, Vito J. Fossella, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, strongly condemned Ahmadinejad’s presence in New York.

While expressing support for establishment of democracy the US lawmakers condemned the ongoing violations of human rights in Iran.
Reporting the rally the New York Times wrote, "Iranian Americans gathered in front of the main stage to hear speakers blast the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
"The crowd held aloft Iranian flags and photographs of Maryam and Massoud Rajavi, who head the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran, which is opposed to the Tehran regime," New York Times added.

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