US Amb. Marc Ginsberg: We Will See Regime Change in Iran

new york rally marc ginsberg 19092023

Former U.S. Ambassador to Morocco and White House Middle East Adviser Marc Ginsberg delivered a powerful speech on September 19 at a rally held in New York. Attended by thousands of supporters of the Iranian Resistance, the gathering aimed to advocate for a democratic Iran, coinciding with the presence of Ebrahim Raisi, the clerical regime’s president, at the United Nations General Assembly.

Ambassador Ginsberg passionately voiced his stance against Raisi, condemning his murderous actions and asserting that the march to freedom within Iran persists despite oppression. The speech resounded with calls for Raisi to leave, underlining the Iranian people’s determination for a democratic Iran and envisioning Mrs. Maryam Rajavi leading the nation toward freedom.

The text of Ambassador Marc Ginsberg’s speech follows:

I hear a lot of voices over here, but there’s only one thing we need to say: RAISI, go home! Raisi, go home, go home, Raisi, go home!

My friends, my friends, you are here to support a democratic Iran, let us take into account the record of this so-called president who dares to come to the United Nations today. Ebrahim Raisi, the man whose radical fanaticism led to the murder of that beautiful woman, Mahsa Amini.

The man who ordered the murder of thousands of imprisoned Iranians seeking freedom from the oppression of the Ayatollahs. Yet despite the oppression, the march to freedom goes on inside Iran, and the revolution continues. Raisi, go home, Raisi, go home!

The man who is going to use $6 billion to strengthen Iran’s internal Gestapo, to pay off Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, to make a hefty deposit into the account of the Ayatollah Khamenei. This is the man who comes to the United Nations, and what do we say to him? RAISI, go home, RAISI, go home.

Ladies and gentlemen, we must not forget that the tyrant who is at the United Nations today is rebuilding Iran’s nuclear weapons, is providing arms and weapons to kill the innocent people of Ukraine, who threatens the destruction of Israel, and supports terrorism by Hezbollah and Hamas, who orders attacks on America’s allies, who sends drones to Ukraine to support Putin’s war of aggression, who authorizes cyber-attacks.

Make no doubt about it, RAISI is here to further the work of the Ayatollah and the killers of Iran, and what do we say to him? RAISI, go home, RAISI, go home.

Those who are here, we will have the final say about the fate of the Ayatollahs and not him. We will decide the destiny of the Ayatollahs, not him.

As the UN General Assembly convenes and Raisi smiles his way around the corridors of the UN, let us not forget, that it is nations like that are run by Ayatollahs that tear up the UN Charter every day. They destroy the universal freedoms that the UN Charter promises. It is nations like Iran that are besmirching and ruining the United Nations’ reputation.

It is a regime that would rather murder, imprison, and rape the women of Iran than to give them the freedom that they deserve. What do we say to Raisi? Raisi, go home, Raisi, go home!

I have a hope. I have a hope that together with all the people who are demonstrating today we will see regime change. The revolution has started. I can see Madam Rajavi in New York. I can see her addressing the United Nations. I can see her leading the freedom and instead of Raisi, there’d be Madam Rajavi addressing the United Nations, a leader who excites the women of the world, embraces democratic values, and has the support of a new generation of Iranians.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are here today to make sure the people of Iran know what we want. What do we want? No, what do we want? Freedom. What do we want? Freedom. And what we want is Raisi: You go home!

Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.

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