Urgent Statement: Stop Belgium’s Disgraceful Treaty with Iran’s Terrorist Regime


A disgraceful agreement between the Belgian authorities and Iran’s ruling theocracy facilitates the liberation of Tehran’s diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi. Assadi was arrested in 2018 along with his three accomplices while trying to bomb the Iranian opposition rally in France in 2018.

The Belgian parliament upheld the urgency of this bill allowing the government to transfer convicts like Assadi. This bill will soon be submitted to the parliament for adoption. Once adopted, this bill allows the Belgian government to free Assadi.

Assadi was sentenced to 20 years in prison and has served four years of his imprisonment. Thus he is eligible to be transferred to Iran, where he will escape justice for his crimes. The evidence revealed during the terrorists’ trial underlined that Assadi oversaw an extensive network of espionage across Europe while enjoying his diplomatic status as the third secretary of the regime’s embassy in Vienna.

Assadi and his accomplices tried to bomb the Iranian Resistance’s annual “Free Iran” gathering in Paris, attended by hundreds of European and American personalities, along with over 100,000 Iranians and freedom-loving people from across the world. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI),  was the primary target of the foiled bombing plot.

According to this treaty, “a person sentenced in the territory of a party may be transferred to the territory of the other Party, in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty, in order to serve the remaining period of the sentence imposed on him.”

The treaty allows the liberation of criminals like Assadi if the “sentencing and administrating states agree to the transfer,” revealing how Belgium has consented to the largest state-sponsor of terrorism in Iran.

In a statement on July 1, Mrs. Rajavi called on all political dignitaries, Belgian MPs, MEPs, and MPs in other European countries to take urgent action to prevent the bill’s adoption.

“The plot for the great massacre in Paris could become the largest terrorist incident in Europe. If adopted, the bill will encourage religious fascism in Tehran in advancing its terrorism. No one in Europe will be safe vs. the murderers ruling,” Mrs. Rajavi emphasized.

She also underlined that “the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance have asked, and continue to ask, from these governments to stand firm against devious state-sponsored terrorism and the foremost sponsor and central banker of international terrorism.”

We repeat Mrs. Rajavi’s call and fully support any initiative to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its rampant terrorism.

The Belgian government should immediately end this disgraceful treaty with the Iranian regime, as it sets a dangerous precedent and jeopardizes security and stability in Europe.

Italian Parliamentary Committee for a Free Iran

President:  Hon. Antonio Tasso member of the House of Representatives
Co-presidents:  Hon. Stefania Pezzopane, member of the House of Representatives
Senator Roberto Rampi, member of the senate
Senator Lucio Malan, member of the senate
Coordinator: Dott. Antonio Stango

Rome 01 July 2022

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