NCRI – Leen La Rivière, Chairman of the Arts & Culture Section of the Music Council of the Netherlands, issued a statement on behalf of the CNV, Dutch National Trade Union, on May 29, to condemn terrorist bombing of a passenger bus in Iraq. The following is text of his statement:

Mullahs’ terrorist attack on bus carrying innocent workers to Ashraf City

This morning (May 29, 2006) a powerful road side bomb, set by the Iranian regime’s agents, hit a bus carrying Iraqi workers, killing 13 people and wounding another 15, some seriously, near Khalis, a small town northeast of Baghdad.

This operation came only two days after the visit to Iraq by the Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki. This terrorist operation comes after the mullahs succeeded through their proxies in Iraqi government to stop food, fuel and medicine rations for the Mojahedin in Ashraf City.

This terrorist act is an indication of escalation of the Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraqi affairs at the time when the international community is demanding peace and calm in that tormented nation.

We ask the Secretary General of the United Nations to take the necessary steps especially since Ashraf residents have the status of protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention and according to international law.

The status was granted to the people in Ashraf after 16 months of screening by the Multi-National Force – Iraq. Therefore, it is time that the Iraqi government grants PMOI personnel in Ashraf political asylum. We call upon the General Secretary of the United Nations to ensure that this demand in met. We ask the U.S. government to provide and step up protection for the Mojahedin in Iraq.

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