UN statement on Iran possible in few days – US envoy

UN statement on Iran possible in few days - US envoy NCRI – The United States still believes the U.N. Security Council can reach agreement in coming days on a statement calling on Iran to suspend uranium enrichment activities, a senior envoy said on Wednesday.

"I would expect in the coming days we’ll see a statement coming from the Security Council…," Gregory Schulte, U.S. ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) told Reuters TV during a visit to Brussels.

He said such a statement would request that Tehran implement a resolution by U.N. nuclear watchdog’s board of governors calling on it to suspend enrichment activities, which is widely believed to be aimed at developing atomic weapons.

As the Security Council discussed the text of statement on Tuesday, a group of Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance staged a rally outside the UN Headquarters in New York calling for comprehensive sanctions against the clerical regime in Iran.

While rejecting foreign military intervention in Iran or appeasement of the mullahs by the West, the participants gave their full support to a third option offered by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the NCRI for a democratic change through people and the resistance.

Some of the banners in the rally stressed that Iranians are against mullahs’ nuclear program and called for punitive measures against the clerical dictatorship in Iran. They also called for immediate removal of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, the main Iranian opposition, from the list of terrorist organizations to facilitate changes in Iran.

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