UN must act to help Iranian opposition members in Camp Liberty, German politician demands

The United Nations must act to improve the dire humanitarian situation in Camp Liberty, and refuse to make concessions to the Iranian regime until it scraps its nuclear program, an Iranian New Year meeting in Berlin has been told.

Camp Liberty in Iraq houses thousands of Iranian opposition memebers of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who had been living in Camp Ashraf for decades.

Gunter Verheugen, European Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry from 2004 to 2010, said in a speech: “The humanitarian situation in Camp Liberty has not improved and the existing situation, is not humane.

“The agreement to move residents from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty was conditional on the promise that it would be for a short period.

“The words of Martin Kobler (former UN envoy to Iraq) still resonates in my ear that only it was going to take few months and then all of them would be transferred to safe countries. From the beginning I did not believe it.

“The result is terrible and there are still about 3000 people there. Political pressure should be increased in this regard.”

He added: “It is not just the humanitarian situation in Camp Liberty that is not acceptable. Your country deserves far better situation than what it has now. This is a country that should have its place in the family of the world’s democracies.

“I believe we can not show Rouhani as a liberal mullah. Moderation that is manifested outside is related to the immense repression exerted inside the country. Nothing has changed there and nothing has improved, and the pressure on the Iranian people still remains.

“We can only give concessions when dictators in Iran give concessions on their nuclear program. There are still other widespread leverages to pressurise the Iranian regime.

“This leverage is the recognition of the democratic opposition as an alternative that we are willing to replace with the current regime. The ten-point plan tabled by Mrs Maryam Rajavi includes everything that western countries can expect from Iran. Therefore there is an alternative.”

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