UK Parliamentary group condemns Iran regime’s meddling in Iraq

NCRI – In a letter addressed to Iraqi Foreign Minister, the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom chaired by Lord Robin Corbett of Castle Vale condemned in the strongest terms Iran regime’s request to limit Iranian Mojahedin’s freedom of speech in Iraq and stressed on the support by the majority of European Parliamentarians for the Mojahedin of Iran as a democratic and legitimate alternative to the Mullahs’ tyranny.

The letter by Lord Robin Corbett received the support of many members of both houses of the UK Parliament including Lord Clarke of Hampstead, former chairman of the Labor Party, Lord Peter Archer, former UK Attorney General, Lord Alton of Liverpool, Baroness Blood, Brian Binley, Labor MP and Mike Hancock, Liberal MP.

The letter in part reads: "I write as chairman of the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom to whom the establishment of democracy and human rights in Iran as well as the stability and security of the region and the world are major concerns. This is why a majority of MP’s and a large number of Peers in the UK Parliament have supported the democratic political coalition, the NCRI whose principal member is the PMOI.

"The PMOI has been recognised as the main barrier to the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, whose heart beats in Tehran. The presence of PMOI personnel in Iraq is the greatest obstacle to the expansionist intentions of the Iranian regime and their desires upon your country and its people."

Lord Corbett also underlined the support enjoyed by The PMOI as a legitimate and democratic opposition movement striving to achieve democracy in Iran and stressed that the organisation has also received the support of 2.8 million Iraqi’s and 12,000 Iraqi lawyers.

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