“Toward Freedom” Iranian June 22nd Grand Annual Gathering to Focus on Sham Iranian Mullah Election and Camp Liberty Travesty

NCRI – Tens of thousands of Iranians will gather outside Paris on June 22, 2013, to reject the mullahs’ “election” and call for the overthrow of the mullahs by the Iranian people and their resistance.

Referring to recent developments regarding the mullahs’ election, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the elimination of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani as a candidate “in the clerical regime’s election masquerade” a “horrific rupture and extreme internal purge at the pinnacle of the mullahs’ regime.” She said, “The move will both shrink and fracture the regime’s power base, and aggravate as never before internal tension and discord, thus expediting the regime’s unraveling and overthrow.”

The Grand Annual Gathering sponsored by parliamentarian committees around the world will host numerous dignitaries to discuss Iran’s election charade and Iraq’s shameful treatment of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI) at Camp Liberty, freedom-loving Iranians who oppose the mullah’s oppressive regime.

Among the speakers scheduled to date for the event are:

General James Jones, National Security Advisor of President Obama (2009-10).

Rudy Giuliani, Mayor of New York City (1994-2001), and U.S. presidential candidate.

Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House of Representatives (1995-99) and U.S. presidential candidate.

Tom Ridge, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary (2003-05).

Ingrid Betancourt, member of the Colombian Senate (1998-02) and presidential candidate

Rita Sussmuch, President of German Bundestag (1988-98)

Patrick Kennedy, Member of Congress (1995-2011)

Michele Alliot-Marie, French Minister of Interior, of Foreign Affairs, of Defense, and of Justice (2002-10)

Bill Richardson, Ambassador to the UN (1997-98) and U.S. presidential candidate

John Bolton, Ambassador to the UN (2005-06)

George William Casey, four star general of the U.S. Army, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, and Commanding General of the Multi-National Force-Iraq from 2004-07.

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