Tolerant Islam versus Fundamentalism

NCRI – In commemoration of the holy month of Ramadan, a conference entitled “Tolerant Islam versus Fundamentalism” was held in Paris. Attendees included political figures, parliamentarians, university faculty members, and representatives from 35 countries around the world. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, also attended the event and delivered the keynote address.


NCRI – In commemoration of the holy month of Ramadan, a conference entitled “Tolerant Islam versus Fundamentalism” was held in Paris. Attendees included political figures, parliamentarians, university faculty members, and representatives from 35 countries around the world. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, also attended the event and delivered the keynote address.

Speakers at the Conference included:

Jean-Francois Legaret, Mayor of Paris District 1;
Ayatollah Ayad Jamaleddin, Deputy Chairman of the Iraqi Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee;

Azzam al-Ahmad, Deputy Prime Minister of the Palestinian national unity government and Chairman of the Fatah parliamentary faction;

Sheikh Tayessr Rajab al-Tamimi, the Palestinian Chief Justice;

Ms. Narreman al-Roussan, Member of Parliament from Jordan;

Ms. Anissa Boumedienne, researcher, expert on Islam, and former Algerian First Lady during the presidency of Houari Boumedienne;

Ghaleb Bencheikh, an expert on Islam and the producer of a TV program on Islam aired on the French TV’s Channel Two;

Khaled Taha Issa, an Iraqi lawyer and President of Lawyers without Borders;

Mr. Mouloud Aounit, Chairman of the Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Between Peoples (MRAP);

Saeed Saeed Hamadi, former President of Comoros;

Dr. Amina Wadud, a university professor in the United States and an expert on Islam;

Rahil Raza, author and expert on Islam from Pakistan;

Dr. Carole Fontaine, religious studies professor from Newton College in Boston, U.S.;

Dr. Amina McCloud, Islamic studies professor from the University of Chicago; and

Ayatollah Jalal Ganjei, Chairman of the Committee on Religious Freedom at the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

The “Tolerant Islam versus Fundamentalism” Conference issued a statement, which read in part: “The Islamic world is now at one of its most crucial historical junctures. 1.5 billion Muslims around the globe are victimized by the vile phenomenon of religious fundamentalism and extremism …. Islamic fundamentalism is an anti-Islamic trend, and represents a contemptible, distorted phenomenon, whose main hotbed remains to be the velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical supremacy) rule in Iran. Since [Ruhollah] Khomeini ascended to power in 1979, Islamic fundamentalism has become a political and social infirmity…”

While reiterating that an effective response to fundamentalism comes from the true Islam based on democracy, tolerance, and adherence to the Koran and credible Islamic texts, the Conference’s statement also pointed out that: “The relentless struggle of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran [PMOI] to introduce such an outlook on Islam, both in theory and in practice, is a shining example for the entire Islamic world.”

The statement continued: “By utilizing all of its capabilities and agents, the mullahs’ regime has been carrying out plots against the PMOI in Iraq, and especially wants to transfer their control from the Multi-National Force in a bid to pave the way for their genocide. In view of the numerous risks posed by the Iranian regime towards the residents of Ashraf, as long as the American forces remain in Iraq, they must continue their protection of Ashraf residents.”


In her speech at the Conference on “Tolerant Islam versus Fundamentalism,” Mrs. Rajavi thanked the speakers and participants for attending the event. She also prayed for the prayers of all Muslims to be answered in the holy month of Ramadan, “the month of the revelation of the Koran and esteemed nights.” Mrs. Rajavi said: “Ramadan is the month of self-restraint; self-restraint for the attainment of salvation; Piety for the distancing of oneself from evil, malice, and insincerity, and for the denouncing of what today is causing the most damage to Muslims and the entire world: The calamity of fundamentalism, which is acting under the veil of Islam, but is in fact an enemy of Islam. It is directly guided by the Iranian regime…”

Mrs. Rajavi added: “The velayat-e faqih rule is based on lies, deceptions, false Sharia, misogyny, and genocide. I have to stress that Islamic fundamentalism and the concept and rule of the velayat-e faqih are the worst enemies of Islam and Prophet Mohammad.”

Mr. Azzam al-Ahmad, Deputy Prime Minister of the Palestinian national unity government, spoke next, saying: “Mrs. Rajavi has painted the true picture of Islam … The behavior of fundamentalists abuses and exploits the name of Islam in order to deepen and widen religious differences, including those in the Palestinian movement. This is a movement, which during the past half a century, has gained widespread support from the Arabic and Islamic community and the entire world. Under the leadership of Yasser Arafat, it never faced religious divisions among Muslims and non-Muslims, or among Muslims themselves.” The Chairman of the Fatah parliamentary faction also noted: “We believe in salvation, and we send our salutations to the PMOI members in Ashraf City, whom I know well and am familiar with their efforts to bring unity and solidarity among the people of Iraq.”

Sheikh Tayessr Rajab al-Tamimi, the Palestinian Chief Justice, also pointed to the damage done to the Palestinian movement by fundamentalists. He noted that fundamentalism in fact reflects a deviance from Islam. This is because Islam is a religion of tolerance, democracy, and unity among all religions. Sheikh Tayessr al-Tamimi called on Islamic countries, the Arab League, and international organizations to express their support for the PMOI members’ rights in Ashraf, as well as for the Palestinian refugees in Iraq who are subject to abuse and murder.

Ms. Narreman al-Roussan, Member of Parliament from Jordan, congratulated the participants on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, and praised the struggle of the PMOI against fundamentalism. The Jordanian MP said: “Supporting the rights of the PMOI at Ashraf against the plots of the ruling mullahs in Iran, is a historical responsibility and duty for all Muslims and all freedom-loving individuals and advocates of human values. We will stand by the PMOI until the very end and the final day.”

Dr. Khaled Taha Issa, an Iraqi lawyer and President of Lawyers without Borders, said in his remarks that the commitment and faith which is guided by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, exhibited its strength when defending Ashraf, which is surrounded, and when it convinced the Americans that the PMOI cannot be labelled as terrorists and does not intend to interfere in Iraq’s internal affairs. The PMOI has no other goal but to shatter the false Islam promoted by the mullahs, and the organization is held in high regard by the Iraqi people, he said. Dr. Taha Issa added: “I have spent 60 years of my life in the law profession, and I know that, according to international law, the protection of Ashraf residents against the threats and dangers posed by the Iranian regime, is the responsibility of the U.S.”

Dr. Carole Fontaine, religious studies professor from Newton College in Boston, said in her remarks: “The mullahs ruling Iran have distorted the message of Islam. The Koran’s message reflects human values, but the mullahs have transformed Tehran into the capital of fundamentalism and promotion of slavery. Ashraf is a living proof that shows the PMOI, in opposition to the mullahs, espouse the true values of Islam. The Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the PMOI members at Ashraf, and due to the numerous risks involved, the American forces must continue to protect the PMOI at Ashraf.”

Dr. Amina McCloud, Islamic studies professor from the University of Chicago, expressed her delight for being able to attend the Conference on “Tolerant Islam versus Fundamentalism,” and stressed on the necessity of unity in the line of struggle against fundamentalism. She added: “United, we can achieve many things. In the beginning of the school year, I will request that all my students at the university start a widespread campaign in defence of the rights of Ashraf residents. As Americans, we must go to Washington, and voice our demand to the effect that the protection of PMOI members at Ashraf must be guaranteed.”

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