Time for policy change on Iran, removal of PMOI from terror list – Sakharov Committee President

Time for policy change on Iran, removal of PMOI from terror list - Sakharov Committee PresidentNCRI – Rev Hans Kristian Neerskov, President of "The International Sakharov Committee" addressed the July 1st gathering of 30,000 Iranians near Paris in support of democratic change in Iran with Maryam Rajavi. The following is the text of his speech:

Violating Human rights in Iran
The mullahs’ regime in Iran has been a leading violator of human rights for more that 20 years. It has been condemned more than 50 times by United Nations for its bleak record. Tens of thousands of dissidents (a majority of them supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran) have been executed for their belief in human rights and democracy.  Tens of thousands of others have been savagely tortured. This brutality continues unabatedly.

Tehran rulers have been suppressing religious and ethnic minorities ruthlessly and have been preventing them from practicing their rituals and traditions. A number of Iranian Christian priests have been murdered for advocating their religion.

Women are degraded systematically and are treated as second class citizen. Iranian regime stands out for institutionalizing gender apartheid against women. Women are systematically subject to the most horrendous and middle age punishment of stoning to death.

With the risk for their lives thousands of people are protesting in many cities around Iran, but we in the West hear little about it. Associated Press has reported of several demonstrations with many thousands participants. Reports from inside Iran revealed that a number of the demonstrators were executed secretly and their families were intimated not to hold any ceremonies for them.

Millions of Iranians have been demanding regime change despite the tremendous risks to their lives. Iranian cities have been the scene of continuous riots and demonstrations the last five years

Iranian cities have been rocked by anti-government demonstrations.  The entire nation is ablaze with the voice of protest against the clerical regime that has been oppressing Iranian people ruthlessly for the past 27 years. The cry of millions in streets for freedom has resounded into the Western World.

Mullahs’ role in terrorism
Iranian regime’s role in international terror is indisputable. It has been organizing, and financing terrorism and its terror groups for the past 20 years. 

Time for policy change — removal of PMOI from terror list
Dealings with Tehran and giving in to its demand of placing PMOI in the EU terror list, has only emboldened the clerical regime in its vicious policies and has put us on the side of not the Iranian people in their quest for freedom, but on the side of the oppressors.  This is contrary to the Europe’s tradition of defending democracy and human rights around the world and would result in a very dark stain in our relationship with Iranian people. We should not invest in a regime, which is on its last legs.

Trend of events clearly shows that the European Union’s appeasement policy has only emboldened the clerical regime to increase its suppression at home and has given them more latitude in exporting fundamentalism and intensification of their drive to acquire nuclear weapons

Exploiting the terror tag on the PMOI, itself a product of dirty dealings behind the scenes with the clerical regime, to expel Iranian refugees is doubly illegitimate.

It is time to stop this wrong trend and remove the PMOI from the EU terror list that has set the stage for such a plot by the clerical regime against the Iranian refugees. We have to defend sacred right of asylum. Probably soon it will be removed from the list of terrorism in the United States.

Experience has proven that offering economic and political concessions to Iran rulers would only embolden them in execution and torture of Iranian people and export of terrorism and fundamen¬talism. The only sound policy is a steadfast and firm policy. Human rights are not for sale for Oil.

The Iranian Resistance has always been on the side of peace, democracy, stability and security. It has never engaged in unlawful actions in Europe, in the United States and in any other country. Both POMI and NCRI. The supporters and sympathizers of the Iranian Resistance and Iranian refugees have only engaged in legal and peaceful activities outside Iran.

Now I address the French Government
Even the French government was mislead by the lies from the priesthood regime in Iran, when they early morning June 17th 2003 sent out 1300 policemen to arrest more than 150 members of NRCI and PMOI. Even the president Mrs. Rajavi was arrested for 20 days. All others were released within some few days, because the French authorities realized that they were wrong in doing this.

After three years of intensive investigations, the Paris court of Appeals announced: “There should be no restrictions on Iranian Resistance members what so ever,” and that itself is the best indication just and deserving Iranian peoples demand is for a free Iran.

Further more they have not paid back the 12,000,000 US$ they confiscated from NCRI. we ask the French authorities in public to deliver the money back – of course including interest.

Also the French authorities owe an apology  to both the 150 people arrested on June 17th 2003 – and especially to president Mrs Maryam Rajavi!

I believe that the European Union and their partners should recognize that in fact they have to look elsewhere if they want to see progress in the Middle East. They should not flirt, court or appease the Iranian regime but they should look to people who are standing for freedom and democracy invariably in exile or some at home whom we also solute, send greetings to those people who are facing persecution, who are in the fear of knocking the door by secret police or the Revolutionary Guards. I am here to point out that EU must look into PMOI as the future for democracy and stability in Iran and contributing stability to this troubled region.

Since Iran got their new president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad things are going worse.
Recently he said that Israel should be brushed away from the World Map. Anyhow it was a repetition of Ayatollah Khomeini the difference is that Khomeini never had the intension of doing it, but Mahmoud Ahmadinejad means it.

Nuclear Bombs in Iran
The mullahs are relentlessly pursuing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, working hard to acquire nuclear bombs.

The international community has grown increasingly alarmed over the clerical regime’s massive and elaborate nuclear weapons program. The bleak prospect of a fundamentalist regime be armed with nuclear weapons is horrifying and dreadful for the whole region.  Their Shahab-3 and Shahab-4 missiles can reach all Middle East and many European capitals.

IRAN today is the greatest threat for a nuclear war. This could be the third World War – and may be the last war on this earth.

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