Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The mullahs’ worst enemy

The Iranian regime only harms itself by interfering in the meetings of Parliament’s officials

By Olav Odegard

Verdens Gang, November 5 – By reacting with harsh protests and threats, the Iranian regime shows its true nature. These reactions are due to the fact that the mullahs, despite all their efforts to destroy the opposition, were not able to defeat the National Council of the Resistance of Iran and see it as a serious threat.

The Iranian regime only harms itself by interfering in the meetings of Parliament’s officials

By Odegard Per Ola

Verdens Gang, November 5 – By reacting with harsh protests and threats, the Iranian regime shows its true nature. These reactions are due to the fact that the mullahs, despite all their efforts to destroy the opposition, were not able to defeat the National Council of the Resistance of Iran and see it as a serious threat.

For the National Council of the Resistance of Iran, the interference of Iran’s embassy is a blessing as regards communication. Now the level of interest in the presence of Maryam Rajavi at the Parliament’s meeting is much higher than expected.

Not very long after the members of the Foreign Affairs Parliamentary Committee received an e-mail confirming the meeting with the famous opposition leader, the Iranian ambassador was on the Parliament’s phone. Verdens Gang wrote yesterday that during this urgent meeting, he openly threatened that relations between Norway and Iran would go through serious problems if the meeting took place.

Two weeks ago, when Rajavi met Belgian senators, the Tehran regime reacted with anger. The ambassador of Belgium was summoned to the Iranian Foreign Ministry (…)

In 2002, the NCRI organization revealed that the Iranian regime was carrying out secret activities to enrich uranium, which was confirmed afterwards; and up until now the UN Security Council has examined ways to impose sanctions on Iran’s atomic program. This summer, she gathered 10,000 of her supporters from all over Europe and stated that what Iran needed was not nuclear power, but a secular democracy.

The most important thing for this resistance movement is to get rid of its terrorist label and to be recognized in the West as a legitimate opposition group to the mullahs’ regime in Iran. That is Rajavi’s goal in coming to Norway.

This movement aims to attract people’s attention and in this regard, it unexpectedly succeeded in obtaining the regime’s help. The support it enjoys in Iran is unknown, yet one thing is clear: the regime takes it seriously.