Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The loss of Lord Corbett

Last Sunday the big family of the Iranian resistance lost one of its pillars. Lord Robin Corbett, chairman of the all-party British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom and Chair of the Labour peers’ group in the House
On behalf my colleagues in the International Committee In Search of Justice (ISJ) and Friends of a Free Iran intergroup in the European Parliament, I would like to express our condolences to Lord Corbett’s wife Val and his children, to Mrs Maryam Rajavi and to millions of Iranians inside and outside Iran, who are now mourning the loss of one of their most noble and beloved friends.

I was very much fond of him and had a chance to meet him several times, the last time in June 2011 during a huge gathering of Iranians in Paris. We were sitting together during the event and we spoke extensively about our common goals for a free Iran.
Larger than life, he was a great human being, a giant in his own ranks, a man of total dedication to his beliefs, and a tireless campaigner for human rights, especially for the rights of Ashraf residents whom he called the “bravest of the brave.” He put up a major and effective fight to expose the massive disinformation campaign of the Iranian secret services in Europe against the PMOI. And he was a pioneer in the de-listing of PMOI in the UK and the European Union lending his entire credibility, prestige and resources to this cause. His mere presence during the court hearings in the UK went a long way in convincing the judges that the PMOI was not a terrorist organization. Similarly, he ceaselessly fought against and exposed the appeasement policy of his own government and often openly clashed with Foreign Office officials over this.
In a message on his passing, Mrs. Rajavi’s characterization of Lord Corbett was quite apt: “Lord Corbett embodied the love of humanity and love of freedom, and rebelled against the world of despair and appeasement. He ceaselessly displayed a restive conscience against injustice and despotism,” she said.
May he rest in peace.

Alejo Vidal-Quadras
23 February 2012