The Iranian resistance condemns the visit of few German lawmakers to Iran and meeting with perpetrators of crimes against humanity

The trip of some of the defenders of dialogue with the religious fascism ruling Iran from the German Parliament to Tehran few days after mass execution of prisoners on October 22 in Evin’s prison and meeting with perpetrators of crimes against humanity is seen as welcoming mass executions and justifying religious dictatorship against the Iranian people.

The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence News Agency (Mehr) reported that on Sunday October 28 a three-member delegation from Bundestag is arriving in Tehran.

This visit is carried out while Amnesty International announced on October 9th: “Since the beginning of 2012, 344 people have been executed in Iran. Taking into account the unannounced executions, the real number of executions is much higher”. Ghazvin’s Deputy Prosecutor announced on October 23rd that in the past 20 months, as many people were executed as in the past 20 years, and 100 people have been sentenced to death just in the past year.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran urged the German parliamentary delegation to urgently cancel the trip and not to allow the mullahs’ regime to abuse their visit to Iran.

The members, who would be in Iran from October 28 to November 2, are set to meet a number of perpetrators of crimes against humanity, who must be brought to justice.

Mr. Otto Bernhard, the German President of the German committee for solidarity for Iran called this trip “very damaging” and said: “Such a trip would encourage the mullahs and allow them to continue justifying not only human rights violations but also fundamentalism and terrorism”.

Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Germany
October 27, 2012


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