The Iranian Resistance condemns the clerical regime’s clampdown on universities


In reaction to the publication of the photograph of the NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi in the special magazine of the alumni of Sharif Industrial University, the religious dictatorship ruling Iran has been attempting in vain to tighten the atmosphere of repression in universities at the start of the new academic year.

The state-run media and news agencies, most of whom are affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and other military and security agencies, reported on October 5, 2016, that “the publishers of (Maryam Rajavi’s) photo at Sharif University were dealt with.” They also reported that “all the activities of the alumni’s association on campus have been ordered to be suspended,” the association “has been sealed up”, and “all copies of the said magazine have been collected.” They wrote that “the security organs are examining this incident” and “are making the necessary follow ups to deal with the violators legally and through relevant authorities.” 

On the same day, a letter signed by 33 Majlis deputies was read out in an official parliamentary session, demonstrating their fearful and hysteric reaction to the publication of Maryam Rajavi’s photo. Ghazizadeh, one of the signatories, had been exposed a few months earlier as head of a group of Khomeini’s forces who had murdered and beheaded hundreds of POWs in a mission inside Iraq. He had openly confessed this in a tape recording revealed in the course of the regime’s election sham. 

In making such threats against universities, Khamenei’s pawns only reveal their own concern over the crumbling of a regime that holds onto power solely by relying on repression and executions. The state-run media have angrily written, “In a strange measure, Sharif University published Maryam Rajavi’s picture in its alumni’s special magazine! While universities admit new students in the beginning of the new academic year, such a conduct can lead to deviatory movements and normalization of such incidents in universities, preparing the grounds for insurgency in the scientific atmosphere of the country.” (Mashreq News – October 5, 2016) The regime’s fear intensifies especially with the approach of the Student Day (December 7).  

The ridiculous remarks by the regime’s officials and media who pretend to be “worried about the country’s scientific environment” are made despite common knowledge that the clerical regime has turned the country’s scientific environment and universities into a field for profit-making and thievery by various agencies through its so-called cultural coup in 1980 and the Islamization of universities. These days, students of Sharif Industrial University have been staging protests with the motto of “University revenues come from our payments for food and dormitory.” 

The Universities’ Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran hails all the freedom-loving students of Iran and its honorable colleagues who have said NO to the Iranian regime’s repression. The Universities’ Committee lauds the students of Sharif Industrial University who have been staging protests in recent days. It calls on all Iranian students and faculty of universities to demonstrate their solidarity and unity against stepped up repression and security threats against the Alumni Association of Sharif University by Khamenei-backed repressive organs. 

The NCRI Universities’ Committee urges the student and university syndicates and unions as well as scientific centers in various countries and advocates of human rights and freedom of speech to strongly condemn the Iranian regime’s repressive and fascist clampdown against universities and educational centers in Iran, particularly against the Alumni Association of Sharif Industrial University of Iran.

The Universities’ Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

October 7, 2016



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