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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceThe Iranian opposition is opposed to any alliance with Tehran

The Iranian opposition is opposed to any alliance with Tehran


Source: Reuters, (Translated from French)
The Peoples Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), a movement of exiled opponents of the mullahs in power in Iran, Monday warned Western countries against any alliance with Iran in the fight against the Islamic state (Daech) .

Shiite Iran is not involved in the coalition formed in the US initiative to combat the Sunni jihadists of IS in Iraq and Syria, but provides military support to Shiite regimes in Damascus and Baghdad.

“The participation of the regime (Tehran) in the coalition against Daech is a hundred times more dangerous than any Islamic fundamentalism under the guise of Shiism or Sunnism,” said the president of the PMOI, Maryam Rajavi, at a hearing organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

While international negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program resume in early February, she described as “simplistic” the idea that greater involvement of Iran in Iraq would cause the regime abandon its nuclear weapons.

“When the mullahs have more open hand in Iraq, they will not give up the bomb,” said Maryam Rajavi.

“Fundamentalist” Shi’a power in place since 1979 in Iran is not the solution, she said, but they are the cause of Sunni fundamentalism.

“If there was not this cruel repression of Sunnis in Iraq and Syria by the Iranian regime and its allies and puppet governments Daech would have had no fertile ground for its development,” she said.

PMOI that says is defending a secular and democratic conception of Islam, believes that in the fight against Islamic fundamentalism passes through the immediate overthrow of the Iranian regime and in the short run by its eviction from Syria and Iraq.