The Friends of a Free Iran intergroup in the European Parliament discussed the consequences of delisting(PMOI / MEK) from the US terrorism list and next necessary steps that have to be adopted.

Press release – 3 October 2012
Following the removal of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) from the US
terrorism list, on Wednesday October 3rd, the Friends of a Free Iran intergroup in the European
Parliament discussed in a meeting in the European Parliament headquarters in Brussels the
consequences of this delisting and next necessary steps that have to be adopted.

Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian resistance addressed this session that was attended by
dozens of MEPs from all political groups and chaired by Struan Stevenson President of European
Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq. A panel of eminent speakers included Alejo Vidal-
Quadras, European Parliament Vice President, Jim Higgins, a member of the European Parliament’s
Bureau, Günter Verheugen, Vice President of the European Commission (2005-2010), Nele Lijnen,
Chair of Belgian Senate’s Committee on Equal rights, Marian Harkin MEP, Edit Bauer MEP, Romana
Jordan MEP, Filip Kaczmarek MEP; and others. Participants stressed the following points:
1- The victorious campaign of the Iranian resistance to remove the US terrorist label is a rare
case in modern history that has created a model of perseverance against injustice and raised
judicial standards. Breaking the PMOI’s terrorist designation represents a huge international defeat
for the clerical dictatorship ruling Iran and from a political view has turned the balance of power
against this regime.
2- The US terrorism label against the Iranian resistance, which was later mirrored by the UK and
the EU, has been a major impediment against developments in Iran, an excuse in the hands of the
Iranian government for torture and execution, and the most important tool in the hands of the Iraqi
government to suppress and massacre Ashraf residents. The West consequently was on the side of
the Iranian regime and against the democratic opposition and in effect was an obstacle for change
in Iran.
3- Now after the delisting, the time has come categorically to end the appeasement policy
towards the Iranian criminal rulers and to recognize the Iranian people’s resistance against
religious fascism and for democracy and freedom. This is the only solution to Iran’s nuclear
ambitions and their support for terrorism and fundamentalism. By learning from the past, we
should not allow the mullahs once again to prevent a right and necessary policy and to keep the
West in a path to maintain the interests of the Iranian regime.
4- Mrs. Rajavi has repeatedly declared that she and her resistance movement are fighting for a
regime based on popular votes and a republic based on the separation of church and state, equality
of men and women, peace and friendship with countries of the region and a non-nuclear Iran. The
Iranian resistance has displayed in practice, throughout the years, devotion to these values.
Supporting this resistance and these values is not only a demand of the Iranian people but a
necessity for today’s civilized world and a necessity for democracy and peace in the region and in
the world.
5- Ashraf and Liberty have been the biggest victims of this outrageous listing. Overlooking two
massacres in Ashraf, a cruel four year old siege and imposing a forcible relocation, silence with
respect to making Liberty a prison, which the UN Working group on arbitrary arrests also
confirms, have all been the effect of this listing. This is while Ashraf and Liberty residents are
protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention, are considered refugees by any criteria,
and the UNHCR has recognized them as “people of concern”. Therefore the European Union, the
United States and the United Nations must remedy the consequences and effects of this
designation and guarantee their rights.
6- Very specifically the Iraqi government intends to plunder Ashraf residents’ property and
actively prevents their transfer and sale. Ashraf is the byproduct of the work of thousands of
people over 26 years and according to experts is worth $500 million. Both Iraqi and International
Law support the ownership rights of the Ashraf residents on their movable and immovable
properties. Thus the US and the EU must force the Government of Iraq to stop putting any further
pressure on them and to recognize their ownership rights and allow them to sell their movable and
immovable properties. The UN and UNHCR must declare Liberty as a refugee camp and should
not allow the residents’ rights be trampled upon by using the “Temporary Transit Location”
designation of Liberty. The EU should accept some responsibility with respect to the resettlement
of Liberty residents.
7- The regime and its lobby abroad particularly in the US, and its allies in the international arena
who have been terrified by the PMOI delisting, try in a chorus of condemnation to rebuke the
PMOI or discredit it and claim that it has no place in Iran… This propaganda is well known to us
and has been responded to by the Iranian resistance repeatedly. But these allegations cannot cover
up the Iranian regime and its agents’ appalling defeat during the removal of the unjust terror tag on
the PMOI.
Struan Stevenson, MEP
Brussels, European Parliament

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