Tehran’s Deputy Prosecutor General: PMOI behind student demonstrations in Iran

NCRI- Hassan Haddad, Tehran's Deputy Prosecutor General on Security Affairs said on Tuesday, 28 April 2009, that Iranian opposition group, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) is behind recent "student uprisings" in the country. 

"Monafiqin (a derogatory term used by the mullahs' regime to describe the PMOI) are behind the incident on the anniversary of Mehdi Bazargan's death," Haddad told the state-run news agency ISNA.

NCRI- Hassan Haddad, Tehran's Deputy Prosecutor General on Security Affairs said on Tuesday, 28 April 2009, that Iranian opposition group, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) is behind recent "student uprisings" in the country. 

"Monafiqin (a derogatory term used by the mullahs' regime to describe the PMOI) are behind the incident on the anniversary of Mehdi Bazargan's death," Haddad told the state-run news agency ISNA.

The clerical regime arrested seven and later charged them with "acting against the Islamic Republic" in the ceremony held honoring Bazargan's memory at his grave side last month. Bazargan was the first Iranian prime minister after the 1979 revolution and fell out with the mullahs the following year.

"The seven at Bazargan's memorial and five others were arrested the next day. Five detainees with lighter charges were released the following days. But seven others still are awaiting arraignment for their crimes," Haddad said.

He said that they are well connected to the PMOI and are receiving instructions from them. 

"We have information that in the past weeks student unrests in the country's universities were led by these people," Haddad said.

Tehran's Deputy Prosecutor went on to say that his investigations showed that those charged were inspired and directed by the PMOI.

Both the incidents at Bazargan's memorial and that of the student unrests are the work of the PMOI keeping in mind that they used the student elections as an excuse to implement their plans, Haddad added.  

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