Tanter: Only Way to Confront Iran and Its Ambitions Is to Support PMOI and NCRI

 NCRI- Professor Raymond Tanter, former member of U.S. National Security Council, in an interview said: “the only way to confront Iranian regime’s ambitions is to support the PMOI and National Council of Resistance of Iran."
Professor Raymond Tanter, in an Interview with BBC World TV welcomed U.S. decision for the inclusion of the IRGC in the terror blacklist and said: “the US Government should talk with Iranian opposition stationed in Paris and also in Iraq and this will put the regime change option on the table.’

Professor Tanter added that Iran is three times bigger than Iraq both in population and width. You cannot attack to Iran and topple the regime…therefore, the only thing that threatens the life of Iranian regime is to seek assistance from the Iranian Opposition  the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran and the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

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