Symposium on Iran and Iraq at the US Congress

NCRI – Lawmakers, experts and personalities took part in a symposium on Iran and Iraq at the American Congress from November 15 to November 17 to examine the threats of the Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraq and to determine how to support the People’s Mojahedin of Iran based in Iraq as the impediment to the spread of mullahs’ fundamentalism in this country.

Congressman Michael McCaul, chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Investigations, noted the Iranian regime’s support to terrorist organizations before concentrating on the destructive meddling of the mullahs in Iraq, stressing that a firm policy towards Tehran was necessary.

Congressman Brad Sherman, member of the Subcommittee on International Terrorism reminded the participants of the dangers posed by the mullahs’ nuclear program. He said that the atomic bomb in the hands of the Iranian regime was a threat to the international community in its entirety. If the mullahs feel that they are being threatened, then they would not hesitate to use this weapon.

Bruce McColm, director of the Institute for Democratic Strategies and former director of the International Republican Institute, said that the Mojahedin in Ashraf City enjoyed the status of protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention which has to be respected by all parties involved in Iraq.

Reverend John Gibs spoke about the support of hundreds of religious leaders from all over the United States to the People’s Mojahedin in Ashraf City and their right to political asylum in Iraq. He paid tribute to Maryam Rajavi for her leadership of the Resistance movement. He expressed support to residents of Ashraf City and the solution proposed by Maryam Rajavi against war and appeasement and in favour of a democratic change in Iran.

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